Surveys Quote #4144664
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12 DAY CHALLENGE. 1) Introduce yourself with a lyric. 2) Describe

1) Introduce yourself with a lyric.
2) Describe your relationship status.
3) Who are the most important people in your life?
4) List of your 3 favorite movies.
5)What annoys you more than anything?
6)What's your favorite book?
7) Describe your personality with five words.
8) What do you do for education/work?
9) What's your favorite TV show?
10) List all the people you have slept with by their initials.
11) How many quotes have you made so far?
12) What would you like to do in the next ten years?

My little sister, my mom/dad, my bestfriend Jaymie, Matt, Timmer, Danny and Marc

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posted October 23, 2011 at 8:26am UTC tagged with surveys

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