Surveys Quote #4689408
all quotes · surveys ·

1. Name - Kiara. 2. Birthday - August 8th. 3. Current location

1. Name - Kiara.
2. Birthday - August 8th. 3. Current location - My rooom. ;p
4. Current mood - Bored.
1. Flower - Lily.
2. Color - Blue, purple, pink, red, black.
3. Restaurant - Carraba's, i love it<3 4. Store - Hollister.
5. Designer - Lei, Levi, Mudd.
6. Animal - Hm, idk. what's yours?
7. Drink - Sprite, High-C

This,that either...
1. Summer or winter? Summer.
2. Shoes or purses -Shoess.
3. Jeans or skirts - Jeans.
4. Showers or baths - Showerr.
5. Yoga or sports - Sports.
6. Ocean or pool - Pool.
7. Real tan or tanning beds - Real tan.
8. Eyeliner or mascara - Mascara.

1. Taken or single - ..
2. Looks or personality - Both.
3. Longest relationship- ...
4. Crush - ha,funny.
5. Does he know you like him -Obviously.
6. Do you believe in soul mates - sure.
7. Do you like romantic guys - suree. ;p
8. Have you ever been in love - most likely no.
9. Did it work out - .
10. Has any guy ever cheated on you -No, never.
11. Have you ever cheated on anyone - Ew NO. trashy thing to do.
1. Best friends -Anthony,Jahare,Christian,God. 2. Do you tell him/her everything - Yeah, i do.
3. Can you be yourself in front of your girls - I'm myself around everybody, nothing to hide.

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posted December 22, 2011 at 9:27pm UTC tagged with surveys

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