Inspirational Quote #4821403
all quotes · inspirational ·

As you read this, think. Think about every single word, every

As you read this, think. Think about every single word, every single sentence that you read. You're young. You need to live. You need to realize that being mad at someone is silly. People make mistakes, we're human, its okay. Forgive and forget. Don't lose a friend because something small happened, forgive them. Forget about their mistakes, you'd want the same from them if you did. If you like someone, tell them. You don't know what could happen to them. It's sad to think about but it's true. People die everyday, every minute, every second. You never know. Have fun, dance in public, sing at the top of your lungs, don't hold in a laugh, and don't hold back a smile. Dress how you want, not how others want you to. Be free, don't let anyone tell you what you cannot do. Say whats on your mind, tell everyone your thoughts, let out your opinions, it should never go unheard. Live as much as you can because you never know what could happen. You just don't know.  


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posted January 4, 2012 at 9:51pm UTC tagged with inspirational

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