Inspirational Quote #6084170
all quotes · inspirational ·

------------------------- Things that suck, ~ When people don't

Things that suck,
~ When people don't text you back.
~Cancelled plans.
~Rainy days when you're sad.
~Losing friends.
~Missing someone.
~Loving someone who doesn't love you back.
~When you can't fall asleep.
~Itchy bugbites.
~When your heart aches for something it can't have.
~Feeling worthless.
~When people don't understand you.
~Over thinking.
~Unexplainable feelings.
~When a store doesn't have something in your size.
~Bad grades.
~Not having enough money.
~When food stops tasting good.
~When people yell at you.
~Broken promises.
~Being lonely.


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posted July 29, 2012 at 12:20pm UTC tagged with inspirational

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