Story Quote #6089052
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Last night I was seriously so close to actually killing myself.

Last night I was seriously so close to actually killing myself.
My older siblings were gone out with friends, and my dad was out picking up my little brother from his friend's house. I was alone. I had written a goodbye quote on Witty (which I've now deleted). We have this big coat-hanger kind of thing, and I managed to drag it to my room. I had rope, I put it around my neck and tied it to the coat hanger while standing on a chair. All I needed to do was step off the chair and I'd be gone. But I didn't. I stood there for 5 minutes before untying the rope and getting down. I stayed up all night thinking about it.. I still don't know why I didn't just let myself hang when I had the chance.



emily27 1 decade ago
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Please never again. I know you have your reasons and such, but please never again. You don't deserve to die. It will get better. Can you imagine the person who finds you dead's thoughts as they find you. It would be horrific and tragic. Don't go.
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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You don't deserve to die kasper. I actuallly kindof cried when i read this. if anyone did this, i would cry. Pleaser never try that again. think about your family. how they would find you dead. my uncle recently died, and it's killed the whole family. no ones ever happy anymore. when my grandad died when i was five, i had lost my best friend. he meant so much to me. only now i realise i how much i miss him, as i was to young to know what happened. Lots of people have died in my family. and all these affects they have on the rest of us are terrrible. the same thing will happen to you. If you commit suicide, everyone will be affected. Please.dont.kill.ya.self.kay. may i just say, whenever i see your eyes, they relax me. yes, you may think im scary but its true. i can be angry, then hop to your profile, look at your eyes and i will be all chill again.Then i'll probably read your quiotes XD yes. im weird. but yeah. Okay. I know you have personal issues for wanting to commit suicide, but im here if you wanna talk to me. (:
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Swag Unicorn* 1 decade ago
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Don't cause some ppl care about you. I don't know you that well but i see a lot of ppl here on witty that really love you, and not just them but you family too :)
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Monster_Dreams_ 1 decade ago
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Kasper, I know you have personal reasons about wanting to kill yourself but please dont. You where put here for a reason and that reason is to be you, people always judge others no matter what. so please dont do anything like this again:((((
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drummerdiane 1 decade ago
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Please don't kill yourself. I don't know you but I would be sad if you did. If you ever need somebody to talk to please feel free to comment on my profile. I'll always be here for you. Stay strong.
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OneDirection2012 1 decade ago
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hey you, yeah, your beautiful and have ALL the reasons anyone could want to live. I've been close to suicide...tried suffocating myself in my sleep with my blanket, must have been about 24 times now?! Im not even lying. But now, I realise I'm glad I didn't die..because I have everything I didn't have then. If you ever need to talk,im always up for it :) facebook..tumblr..twitter...wittyprofiles, whatever. Just dont go through with suicide. Its never the answer. Always here gorgeous! stay strong xox
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AlwaysxAxDreamer 1 decade ago
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last night while I was washing my face I tried drowning myself. But I always stop.
Your not alone, I really hope you know that. I know people say the same shxxt all the time, but it's kinda true. Whenever I'm thinking about killing myself, I just think about who would find me, what they would do, and how they would feel.
it's kinda putting myself into a guilt trip, but it works.
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Delicate* 1 decade ago
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Time for my overly emotional and (hopefull) inspirational comment.
Life is worth living. I've been to some pretty dark places, where life just doesn't seem worth it anymore and all you want to do is just give up. But it gets better. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. It's going to take a while, yes, and some days, you're going to feel like sh#t. But your deserve to live. Everyone does. And things are going to be good for you one day. You've got to hold strong to the fact that this storm that's going on in your life, it can't last forever. You WILL be okay. A very wise friend of mine once told me to things. First: The only one who can save you is yourself. And he's right. You've got to have the determination, and the will. You've got to tell yourself things get better. Secondly, he told me that self harm and suicide were only out of blindness. It's hard, sometimes, to see the other options. But you need to. Talk to someone. Write poetry. Take up an instrument, sing, draw, doodle, whatever it is that makes you smile. And know that whatever comes after this will be good. After the storm there comes a rainbow, right? I know, I know. How can a rainbow make up for the destruction caused by a hurricane? Because it reminds you that there is beauty in life. Some day, you might do something great, like invent a cure for cancer, or save someone's life. Maybe you'll get married to a beautiful woman and have kids, live a normal life. But those kids that you may have in the future, whatever you're meant to do, none of that can happen if you kill yourself. Stay strong. You're meant to be here. You've got a purpose in life. Things will be okay. I promise. You've just got to let them. And remember, you deserve to live. Stay strong. I believe in you, and from the looks of it, so do a lot of other people, and we all hope you decide to stay alive. And know we're all here for you, if you need to talk. Things are going to be better. Just have faith.
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beautifulgirl20 1 decade ago
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I"m glad you didn't No one deserves to die that way
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heaven_is_here 1 decade ago
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I'm so glad you didn't kill yourself. You're still here for a reason. Don't leave your parents and brother with a dead body. I'm here if you need me.
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Just Desserts* 1 decade ago
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Please don't try it again <|3
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[deleted] 1 decade ago
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Please don't kill yourself.
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ilovesoccer21 1 decade ago
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Please.... Don't do that... I know that if you really want to then you will, but life's too short to be trying to decide whether you should live or not. The answer always is: YOU SHOULD.
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MrsPSanders 1 decade ago
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I know everyone's already said this and they're giving better advice and I'm not gonna lie and say I've been in that position, but please please PLEASE do not kill yourself. I love reading your quotes and you should know that you were given this life because you can handle it. It's hard now, but it will get better. My friend keeps saying she wants to commit suicide, and I talk her out of it everytime. Please. Don't kill yourself.
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singinBlondiex23 1 decade ago
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been there, done that. i totally understand. i'm here if you ever want to talk or vent or whatever. we can get through this
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theinvisiblegirl* 1 decade ago
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Stay strong and please don't think about again. I'm really glad you decided not to.
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CaosGoMoo 1 decade ago
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I'm So glad that you didn't go through with it
It's people like you that inspire me.
I mean I've read all your quotes and it is pretty clear
that you don't have the most perfect life, and
with you being as strong as you are,
you are able to go through with it :)
Lot of Love
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hcbook 1 decade ago
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You do know why, deep inside you do, you didnt do it cause, what would you leave your family behind with, what memories, what feelings. Dont you dare quit on yourself, you can make it through, i promise you.
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OwlsWithEars 1 decade ago
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Everyones giving you better advice then I ever just to say I am ALWAYS here. and stay strong, carry on and you will be stronger in the end..xx
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abbs0lutelysoftball 1 decade ago
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keep your head up, things will get better. God gives his hardest battles to the toughest soliders, and you are one of them! you were put here for a reason, just dont do this to yourself. stay strong. even though i've never talked to you, you can talk to me if you want. stay strong Kasper!
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