Advice Quote #6495734
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So, i need some ideas. I'm doing a report on gay marriage

So, i need some ideas.

I'm doing a report on gay

marriage and how i think

it's right.

it's a persuasive essay.

now i need a lot of

examples of why gay

marriage is right?



redvelvetcupcake14 1 decade ago
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every person is supposed to have equal rights. in the pledge of alligence, it says "with liberty and justice for all" if you were to not allow gay marriage, it would be going against all our country stands for because people would not be considered equal
hope that helped! good luck!
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of_mice_and_lucifer* 1 decade ago
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omg yes that helped a ton thank you!!
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redvelvetcupcake14 1 decade ago
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no problem! happy to help!
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londonxmaye* 1 decade ago
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it's equal.
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forever_mine_123 1 decade ago
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why cant another man/woman love their boyfriend/girlfriend the same way you love yours?
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The Day Dream Expert * 1 decade ago
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Gay marriage isn't a bad thing. People have emotions that build into something more, even with the same gender. Love is love, and no one should take that away. Its ok to be gay and reason being is that people can like who ever they want, they don't need anybody else's consent on it. Ik that was really was really confusing so long story,short; Love is love and no one can take away what a person feels for another.
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SorrowUnleashed 1 decade ago
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Because the country is using the bible's definition of marriage, yet we're suppose to have freedom of religion
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MissBookSmart 1 decade ago
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You can't control who you fall in love with, and God made each and every one of us so they are here for a reason. Just because they love a person of the same gender, that doesn't mean they aren't human and "normal".
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ElleRain10 1 decade ago
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You should be able to love whoever you want to and no one should be able to say you can't love someone just because of your gender.
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posted December 13, 2012 at 12:21am UTC tagged with advice

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