Story Quote #6593529
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The Things You Don't Know Chapter Four, Part 1 2:10 Monday

The Things You Don't Know
Chapter Four, Part 1

     I had just gotten to my locker when I saw Matt walking towards me. I said hey to him and turned to open my locker. I put my jacket on, exchanged books, and told Matt I was ready to go.
     We walked six blocks to his house. When we got into the house, there was a girl sitting at the table, she had to be ten at best, drinking a glass of milk.
     "Ooooh, Maaatt! Is that your giiirlfrieeend?" She said and then giggled.
     Matt huffed. "No Lucy, she's just a friend. This is Emily, and Emily this is my sister Lucy."
     Lucy jumped off the bar stool near the table and walked over to me. I hoped she wasn't looking me over. (I'm beyond insecure. I'm a size 5 in Aero jeans and I wear large shirts. I feel so fat.)
     She stopped in front of me and gestured for me to lean down. She whispered, "can you come with me for a minute?"
     I nodded slightly and told Matt we'd be right back. I heard him calling us to come back, but Lucy had grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to a small pink bedroom full of stuffed animals and posters. She let go of my hand and walked to her bed, knelt down, and stood back up holding  a small wooden box.
     Lucy came over to the dresser and placed the box on top. When she opened it, I saw pictures inside. There was a boy and a girl standing on the sidewalk. I had a hunch and grabbed one picture before walking over to the large window across the room with a camera sitting on the windowsill.
     And then it hit me. Those pictures were taken right here, the boy and the girl standing in front of this house.
     "I think her name was Kate or somethin'."
     "Katy. . ." I whispered to myself.

*          *          *
     "They talk about you."
     "They, they do?" Emily's voice quivered when she spoke. She just looked at me, closed her eyes, and slowly sank down the wall to a ball on the floor. Uh oh, she's gonna cry! What did I do?!
     She looked up, her big green eyes sparkling with tears I could see she held back. I walked over and sat next to her and threw my arms around her shaking body.
     I sat there and thought and thought and thought. I knew I had to remember what Matt said to her.
     "W-what was she doing here Luce?"
     "I don't know. But they talked about a girl named Emily a lot, so I thought it could be you."
     She started crying really hard. So I knew I had to tell her what I remembered.
      "Well at first, Matt didn't wanna. He thought it was bad. He said he couldn't do it."
     "But he did Lucy. And it's her fault!" (She said some bad words that I'm not allowed to say.)
     She wiped her face, but it didn't help 'cause her eyes were all red. She got up, took the picture, and ran downstairs.
     I like her. I want her to stay. I hope Matty didn't mess things up by talking to that girl. How could she even think of doing that to her best friend anyway?

*          *          *

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posted January 24, 2013 at 7:22pm UTC tagged with story, thingsyoudontknow, chapterfour

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