Love Quote #6859771
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To Be In Love 11

To Be In Love 11
I woke up alone in bed, it was Emma’s Baby Shower so Logan went to help Jake and then he was coming home to help me. I got up and took a nice long, hot shower, it was about 10 and it started at 2 so I sang until the shower curtains opened and I saw Logan, butt naked
“You have a great voice.” He laughed
“Who invited you into this shower?” I said
“Haven’t you ever heard of saving water and showering together? Come on, we’re pressed for time.” His lips pressed against mine and that was one hot shower. When we got out Logan looked at the bed where I had laid out my clothes and there was a little black box on the top, I looked at him looking for some sort of emotion or reaction but all he did was smile. I walked over and took the box into my hand and looked at Logan as I opened it, it was a ring in the shape of a teardrop, it made me laugh a little bit on the inside. I took it out of the box and looked at Logan for some explanation
“It’s real. I want you to be my’s like a promise ring, I got black because you’re beautiful, classic, and different. You don’t have to wear it on your left hand if you don’t want to but I love you.” I ran over to Logan and gave him a big kiss as I slid my new ring on.
“I love you too.” I smiled, we got dressed and went to the back yard to fix everything and get everything in order, I wore blue in honor of the little boy that was in Emma’s belly. Everything was pale blue and purple, because purple is Emma’s favorite color. The party was a blast! Everything went accordingly, I got her the crib and it was beautiful, and some really cute new sandals cause she’ll be running after the baby a lot. By the end of the gifts Jake showed up with Logan who pulled me aside and embraced me in a hug from behind and rested his head on my shoulder, I kissed his forehead and watched what Jake was doing, they were talking intensely until Jake got on his knees and handed her a similar little box that was on my bed before. My eyes watered up, he was proposing to her.
“You’re my best friend, the mother of my child, will you be my wife?” he asked her and as she stood up her face went pale.
“I didn’t just pee.” She replied and everyone looked at each other, it looked like she just peed herself, liquid was running down her legs and Jake looked scared
“Oh. My. God. Her water broke.” I looked at Logan who looked like he was about to faint. I walked over to her and brought her inside, I gave her a pair of Logan’s sweatpants and a t-shirt and we got in my car and left the boys to deal with the party.
“I knew I felt weird.” She said in almost a yell from the pain, she was having contractions and they clearly hurt from the way she was screaming.
“He wants to marry me.” She smiled and wiped her forehead after a contraction.
“Do you wanna marry him?”
“DUH!” she yelled as she had another one
“DAMN IT!” she said as she tried to wobble out of my car into the hospital, by the time the boys arrived I’ve listened to her cry for an hour. When Jake walked through the door she was quiet she smiled at him
“Yes.” She simply said, he looked confused for a second but he caught on quickly, he smiled back at her
“Are you gonna put it on my finger or do I do that?” she asked, she was tired and hurting. As he pulled the box out of his pocket she screamed, he looked frightened
“Contractions, honey. Contractions.” She attempted to smile and Logan and I walked out of the room.
“Hi.” I looked at him
“Hi.” He winked. I watched as the doctor walked in, then out, then in again, nurses went in, then everyone (including Jake and Emma) walked/rolled out. It was time to push the little bundle of joy out after 2 and a half hours of screaming. Jake came out in tears, smiling.
“It’s a girl!” he said and hugged Logan, it made me so happy for Emma that she had a baby girl because that’s what she really wanted. When we walked into the room the baby was in Emma’s arms
“Hey mama, congrats on your baby girl!!!” I said smiling
“What’s her name?” Logan asked
“Annabella Sophia Hewitt” she moved the blanket away from the baby’s face and smiled and looked up at us
“Will you guys be the god parents? Logan, you’re my brother and Sophia, you’re like my sister, you mean the world to me...I named my kid after you for Christ’s sake. I hope she’ll be as strong and smart as you.” It brought tears to my eyes
“Of course I will.” I said, after that the whole family came over to the hospital, we laughed and held the baby, we took pictures and had a blast. Me and Logan decided to go home and let Emma rest, she’d be out in 2 days so we went to their house and started cracking open beer bottles and baby bottles trying to get everything ready for them to come home. In three days she had a beautiful Pink and Lavender nursery thanks to me. Me and Logan painted until I thought I was going to throw up from the smell, we put together more boxes, toys, returned and washed all the baby clothes for them to come home, she’d come home in blue but no worries because Aunt Sophie had it all covered when she come home. I had cuts, bruises, and Band-Aids all over me from putting everything together and done in 2 and a half days. But when she walked through the door with the baby, her expression, her tears of joy, her absolute happiness is what made everything worth the craziness.
“It smells like vanilla in here!” she said as she just looked at the room, she took a deep breath and hugged me tightly.
“I couldn’t let that girl come home to a blue room!” I said, the changing table was done and stocked and I showed her where everything was. Me and Logan definitely had a few sleepless nights and decided that a baby is not in our future anytime soon, we love Annabella but we don’t want one of our own right now.

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posted August 15, 2013 at 10:39pm UTC tagged with love, story, family

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