Justsaying Quote #6897246
all quotes · justsaying · happensalot · nottrueforallfamouswittians · makesmekindofloserespect · sorryfortheweirdformating ·

; HOW TO BE WITTY FAMOUS: 1. Write tumblr quotes (nothing against


1. Write tumblr quotes (nothing against that)

2. Write tons of quotes a day (nothing against that)

3. Make a cool profile with the words "follow for a follow" in huge letters 

(nothing against that)

4. Follow tons of people causing them to follow back, and vice versa

(nothing against that)

5. Once you're happy with the number of followers you have, unfollow all 

except the ones who you believe are still worthy (problem)



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angelle**♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*doublesidedice