Lyrics Quote #7054666
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Put your music on shuffle, write down the first ten songs and


Put your music on shuffle, write down the first ten songs and your favorite lyric for each song that comes on. No skipping.

Stupid, Kacey Musgraves: Can't separate the salt from the sugar. There's nothing in your pockets. There's footprints on your face. You can't tell anymore if you're the rabbit or the snake.
This, Ed Sheeran: You are the earth that I will stand upon. You are the words that I will sing.
Washington Square, Counting Crows: I loved like a fountain, and it left me with nothing, just the memories of walking through Washington Square.
Homesick at Space Camp, Fall Out Boy: Landing on a runway in Chicago and I'm grounding all my dreams of ever really seeing California because I know what's in between is something sensual in such non-conventional ways. 
A Thread of Light, Demon Hunter: Your imperfect path is a heart made of glass and the world is a charming grenade.
Nutshell, Alice in Chains: And yet I find repeating in my head: if I can't be my own, I'd feel better dead.
A Murder of One, Counting Crows: There's a bird that nests inside you, sleeping underneath your skin. Yeah, when you open up your wings to speak, I wish you'd let me in.
Overthinking, Relient K: I was sinking, lower sinking, cuz I lost the things I held onto.
Easy Hearts, Whiskeytown: I've had a pretty hard life for such an easy heart.
Thinking of You, Kesha: But now my song's on the radio, and you see my face everywhere you go. I thought I'd call just to let you know I've been thinking of you.


Miluiel* 8 years ago
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Miluiel* 8 years ago
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If you do it again, I'll do it again.
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