Funny Quote #894330
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PHONE QUIZ! Grab your Phone. got it ?! clearly i always do. What


Grab your Phone.
got it ?!
clearly i always do.

What kind is your phone?
enV orange

Whos the first person to come up under the letter M?

Whos the last person you called?
Who was your last missed call from?
angie's house(my sister)

Who is the 2nd person to come up under D?

Whos the third person who comes up under J?
jake zbegner

Who was your last received call from?

How many messages are currently in your inbox?
43(my phone only holds like 54)

What do you have as your background?
heath, emma, cody on the front and grace on the inside.

Whos the 5th message in your inbox from?

Whos the first person who comes up under B?
big joe.

How many bars of signal do you currently have there?
4 or all of them.

Who was your last message from?

Who is the first name in your phone book?
jamie well her nickname

Who is the last person in your phonebook?

Name every person you have text messages from in your inbox.
jamie, abby, lexie, jake,jordyn.

Whos the 5th person under A?

Who is the ninth person on your missed call list?

What does the 6th message on your outbox say?
ohhh ya lol

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posted June 27, 2009 at 10:52pm UTC tagged with funny

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