
Joined: January 9, 2015
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 389015
Hey! I'm Acacia.
I'm 15.
I love magcon & youtubers.
Jack gilinsky is my bae.

AcaciaNoelKokay's Favorite Quotes

The 1975  ♡ Tove Lo ♡ Jack And Jack ♡ Shawn Mendes ♡ Lana Del Rey ♡ Miley Cyrus ♡ The neighbourhood ♡ Hozier ♡ Sam Pottorff ♡ Ricky Dillon ♡ Trevor Moran ♡ Demi Lovato ♡ Sam Wilinson ♡ Jacob Whitesides ♡ Watercolour ♡ The Wanted ♡ Taylor Caniff ♡ Jack Gilinsky ♡ Jack Johnson ♡  Artic Monkeys ♡ The pretty reckless ♡ Panic! at the disco ♡ Fall out boy ♡ The spice girls ♡  + More
I hope, one day, you look back
and you realize how much I tried.
Chocolate & Me have one thing in Common

We both Melt

It's valenitines day and I am sitting here, and I am typing this message to you. Please be someone that can be in my life. I don't need it to be in a more than friends way, but I need a friend. Someone like you could bring me back to life. I have felt so much darkness and pain, I want to feel again. Please let me in. It's cold out here.


How do you expect me to breathe,
When he's around?

What's the point in talking,
when nobody listens?