
Joined: October 6, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 127700

Aperkinsxx's Favorite Quotes

“You ask.”
“No, you ask!”
“Will you please ask?” “Why can`t you ask?” “Fine… Hey my FRIEND wants to ask you something!”


This quote does not exist.

Wouldn't it be the perfect crime,
If I stole your heart +You stole mine?


 Boy: Hey Dad I Got A GirlFriend(:
DAD:  Good Job Son!(:

Girl: Hey Dad I Got A BoyFriend(: ):(: 

* Loads ShotGun..*  


the girl you called ugly

the girl you called a dumb blonde

the girl you said you hated

the one you said you would never date

shes thinking about you right now...

 Oh  hot  damn,
fave if you just thought "this is my jam!"

This quote does not exist.

Ive got skittles in my mouth
wanna taste a 

For          QuotealiciiousSeven 

Summe rLovin';


oh yeah,

it's comin'!



Format Credit To "FreakyiiZ"