
Joined: September 17, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 219045

Quotes by BrIaNnA623

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you write, is a quote from witty

He snuck into my room

And grabbed my hand. He led down the stairs and told my parents, "I love your daughter and i can't imagine life without her." Then we ran hand in hand to a big open field where we ran. He chased me and we fell to the ground. Then, he kissed me. It was the happiest day of my life. And then...

I woke up.

He snuck into my room

And grabbed my hand. He led down the stairs and told my parents, "I love your daughter and i can't imagine life without her." Then we ran hand in hand to a big open field where we ran. He chased me and we fell to the ground. Then, he kissed me. It was the happiest day of my life. And then...

I woke up.

There is no

He 's like my drug,

my mind says no,

but my body says yes


There once was a girl,

And that girl doesn't fake her smile. She laughs even though she's hurt. She may be breaking down on the inside, but she never gives up. Yes, she use to be a quiet, shy girl who had a fake personality. She almost gave up on herself. She came to a realization. You don't have to pretend to be someone your not. So she let her real self out. And its the best thing she's ever did. Can you guess you that girl is? its me.<3

If I get 50 faves...
I'll text him and say "I love you so much it hurts." But.. he has a girlfriend. Comment if you think I shouldn't, Fave if you think I should .

fave if every

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you write, is a quote from witty