
Joined: October 7, 2010
Last Seen: 6 years
user id: 127835

Quotes by Brittanylovex3x

I can't tell you;
How horrible it feels;
To have your sister;
The one you thought you trusted;
Talk about you behind your back..

...I mean...

I can't tell you;
How horrible it feels;
To have my sister;
The one I thought I trusted;
Talk about me behind my back..

If you can't tell when a girl is in love,
look into my eyes,
then get back to me.

 ♥I'm in love with my Valentine♥



YOU don't know me.
YOU need to grow up.
YOU need to shut up.
YOU need to stop harrasing me.
YOU need to get a life.
YOU need to find new friends.
YOU need to never talk to me again.

haa.. grow up.
k, bye.

You had me at;
So please,
Don't leave me at;

And I don't know
How much more
I can actually

This is the part where everyone
wants to give up.
I was born to stand strong;
even through the tears

I'm glad to know;
I'm just an;