
Joined: July 15, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 317658


I am now Guilty. I must credit PaperLung for this wonderful layout for I am Guilty. One of these chambers measured forty-nine feet on one side, that is seven hundred and thirty-two feet in circumference. The walls, nearly six feet seven inches thick, are built of stone and mortar, incrusted with deep cement, sloping up about three feet and terminating perpendicularly. The centre of the room is occupied by six pillars, on which rose stone, brick, or wood columns bearing the roof. . . . Small stone rings [are] fixed to the wall, and on each side of the entrance, also fixed to the wall, two small painted slabs. One of these chambers measured forty-nine feet on one side, that is seven hundred and thirty-two feet in circumference. The walls, nearly six feet seven inches thick, are built of stone and mortar, incrusted with deep cement, sloping up about three feet and terminating perpendicularly. The centre of the room is occupied by six pillars, on which rose stone, brick, or wood columns bearing the roof. . . . Small stone rings [are] fixed to the wall, and on each side of the entrance, also fixed to the wall, two small painted slabs. One of these chambers measured forty-nine feet on one side, that is seven hundred and thirty-two feet in circumference. The walls, nearly six feet seven inches thick, are built of stone and mortar, incrusted with deep cement, sloping up about three feet and terminating perpendicularly. The centre of the room is occupied by six pillars, on which rose stone, brick, or wood columns bearing the roof. . . . Small stone rings [are] fixed to the wall, and on each side of the entrance, also fixed to the wall, two small painted slabs.

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