
Joined: November 6, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 234849
I weigh 190 pounds and i'm approximetly 5'1.
I know i'm disgusting,
you don't need to tell me.
My wrists were the most beautiful thing on me,
but i've fucked that up too.
Hey, you're gorgeous. Why aren't you smiling?

Well i'm not sure how you've gotten to my profile, but i'm glad you've came.
I'm sure your wondering who i am.
What my name is.
And why my quotes are so sad and depressing.
Well hunny, thats my life.
And i've made this witty for a reason, to be able to express my innner thoughts.
Yes, i do have another witty.
I bet your wondering why i dont just post my real thoughts on that one?
Well because my friends know about that one, and are following me.
My friends that know nothing about my depression.
Or my life.
Or me.
Sad isn't it? That i'm too embarrased to show them, because i know they'll judge me.
I know they'll think of me different.
I know they'll leave me.
They always do.
That witty is the witty were i post happy bullshit that doesnt mean anything to me.
This witty is the one where i show exactly how i really feel.
Where i let my thoughts attack the keyboard.
Too much for you..
well its too much for me too.

Quotes by Confessions_Go_Here

You really need to learn how to treat all people.
 Not just the ones you like.

Have you ever felt so lonely,
you can't help but cry inside?

Would you even care if i wasn't here tomorrow?  ♥

Person: Hey, what are you doing tonight?

What i say: Oh nothing, just homework and netflix probally. The usual. What about you?

What i'm thinking: Oh crying, probally. lots.Trying to drown myself in my own tears. Maybe go into some deep thoughts about why my life is so messed up and why my own mother doesn't even love me, and then maybe finish it all off with a lonely night of cutting. What about you?


When I'm gone, 
  Don't you dare say you didn't know.

 because the signs were right there, right in your face.
Just admit it.
You ignored the signs because you didn't care.
Not that you could have done much to save me anyway...

 I can't wait til i can just get away..



Demi lovato <3 
It feels amazing
to kind of have a
spokesperson for those
who struggle with
cutting. Shes shown that everybody struggles with something
. Even celebs feel alone sometimes. 
Stay Strong."


I just need a way to express the way i feel on the inside.
& this razor has given me that opportunity.
Where's the harm in that?

For anyone who cares....
On a previous quote that i made, i expressed my wants for a counselor. Well..i got one. I was persistent enough with my mother and she finally made the call. I've been going to talk to him for the last few weeks.. but i still feel like i can't tell him everything. I still feel..alone. Like noone really cares, he's only listening because it's his job. I've lied to him many times, starting with "I haven't cut in over a month." which is really not true. truth is the last time i cut was...well..about 5 minutes ago. anyway it's about 20 dollars an appointment which i feel really bad about. I hate feeling like a financial burden all the damn time..20 dollars a week and i'm not even really feeling results. I haven't told him the full story about anything, and i'm not sure why..i just don't think he really cares or something...idk.I'm going to stop rambling now.. Anyway, thank you to all the people who leave kind messages on my walls. They seriously make my nights, i mean it. Sometimes i don't respond only because i'm in so much shock i just don't know what to say. I'm not used to people caring about me..helping me and such. I always feel like "thank you" isn't enough, you guys are truly amazing.