
Joined: April 2, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 105136

Dee1128's Favorite Quotes

i hope there comes a day
cancer is just a zodiac sign.



When words fail,
music speaks.

This quote does not exist.

e  l  i  v e  i o r  l d   bui  t   n   p r i ses,
                                    » constructed by liars. ♥ted  

              During a test;

                               people look up for inspiration,
down in desperation,

                                   and left and right for information.



   Hand Sanitizer

                                      helps you discover new cuts you never knew you had

Broccoli: "I look like a tree!"
Walnut: "I look like a brain, I'm so smart!"
Mushroom: " I look like an umbrella!"

 Banana: "can we please change the subject?"

funny questions:
- why is it called a "drive through" if yu have to stop?
- why is an alarm clock going "off" whn it actually turns on?
- how come yu press harder on the remote whn yu know the batteries are dead?
- why do banks leave the door wide open, but the pens chained to the counter?
- where in the nusery rhyme does it say that humpty dumpty is an egg?
- why is there an expiration date on sour cream?
- whn cheese gets its picture taken, wht does it say?
- why do we say "heads up", whn we actually duck?
- why isnt the number 11 pronounced onety one?

"You are what you eat.."
  That's strange I don't think I've eaten any sexy beasts today..



I will only stop loving you the very moment a mute guy tells a deaf guy that a blind guy saw a legless man walk on water...

-not my format♥


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