
Joined: August 12, 2011
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 206835
Gender: M


Quotes by JustAnotherArtist*

When I used to be an active part of this website I was incredibly depressed.
hated myself, disgusted with my person and image because I feared that I was valueless to my surroundings.
wished I could have been anything/anyone else, just to be happy.
thought I had to be a different person just to be accepted by people.
e problem, however, wasn't the lack of being accepted from others.
The fact of%
When I was a little man,
Playdough came in a little can,
I was Star Wars' biggest fan,
Now I'm stuck without a plan,
GI Joe was an action man,
Shaggy drove the mystery van,
Devo was my favorite band,

Take me back to my happy land.

(Playdough by The Aquabats)
The pain is like the cat,
No matter how hard you try to get rid of it,
It just
comes right back.
Refference to: The Cat Came Back



As soon as my head hits the pillow,
My mind begins to rotate in the same ole' rickity motion.
As the negative thoughts begin to reach the surface,
Scratching their way back,
To haunt me.


It's been a while since I posted a quote,
Haven't had time for Witty much anymore.
Not only that,
But Witty has changed so much,
I no longer look forward to coming on here,
Nor feel comfortable venting,
Ohh Witty, you've changed,
Seems like society is catching on and taking advantage of you.

My Quote's go unnoticed,
Because they aren't pretty.
No special formats,
No Vibrant colors or patterns.
Just a simple ole' quote.

It'll be okay,
I'll be gone one day.

I'll move on to a bigger and better place,
And you'll never have to see my ugly ole' face.

I'll be gone one day,
It'll be okay.

*Looks in the mirror*
Scans every speck of dirt on my face,
Hair out of place.
Examines every imperfection,
Every mis-conception.
I'm the hideous abomination, 
That society deems me to be.
No reason to hide such fascination,
As society gazes at me.

*Lays head down on arms and knees*
It hurts more than you know,
As the tears begin to pearl.
Oh, the pain brought by every blow,
As the tears start to hurl.

I have/do stare in my mirror on occasion...
and cry...