
Joined: June 19, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 185028

I'm Gone


Quotes by ElsieTorres

"I like llamas & polar bears"
this should get tons of favs because he totally said this right?


What the hell happened to witty

All the top quotes are about future husbands and being rated. You

don't know his name, or my future kids, or my future job. For Christ

sake, are you that desperate for favs? Some people work hard for their

favs. I don't want to be rated, I get enough of that in real life. I come on

here to escape all of that. If you rated a girl say a 1 what would

happen? She would feel terrible about herself, just like in real life. Get

back to how to use to be. I want to read GOOD quotes, not desperate



~Wiz Khalifa

~Wiz Khalifa

Sticks & stones may break my bones but kelso

Nailed your sister.

-t h a t 70 's s h o w



seriously shut up, you look

sooo dumb begging for favs like that


it's been awhile

since  every  day  and  everything has felt this right

and now, you're turning all around

and suddenly

you're all i need

The reason why
i smile.

- --


Epic Fact

An elephant can die of a broken heart.

if you wanna know

here it goes.

gonna tell you this.
the part of me will show if you're close, gonna let you see everything
but remember that you asked for it .  i'll try to do my best, to impress
but it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest
but you wanna hear what lives in my brain
my heart, will you ask for it
for your perusing, at times confusing

possibly amusing



And love it wheyou say my name

If you fav!!
I'll tell you your future husbands name
I'll tell you your future kids name
I'll cure cancer
I'll make your dog back to life
I'll make it so we can live on the moon
I'll make it so we can never get fat
I'll lose 46546 pounds
I'll get to go to the Justin Bieber concert my parents wont let me go to
I'll get my parents to buy me a cell phone
I'll get to go to hawaii with my friend
I'll write a very nice long paragraph on your profile
I'll make dolphins walk the earth
I'll make you all grow taller than 5'4
I'll make steve make a witty app
I'll make it so everyone can lick their elbows
I'll make that boy fall in love with you

How can you trust me?

Well I'm obviously a genie