
Joined: December 29, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 343786
Gender: M

                Gavin Whitley x3

              Hi there, I'm Gavin Whitley. (:
I am sixteen years old (My birthday is February 11th)
I am the oldest of four kids. Four is a lot, I know. (Probably not as much as some people)
My younger sister Mary, who is fourteen.
My other younger sister, Annie, who is ten.
And my little brother, Lewis, who is four.
I live with my mom because my parents are yeah, divorced.
I hear about witty from my sister Mary and her friends.
I'm hoping to make friends on witty.

Thanks for sitting through this boring. x3
I wanna list some of my closest friends:
Alex, Amelia, Zachary, Jake, Jacob, Leah, Marylynn, Eviee, Jasmine, Tisha, Henry, Luke, Jaxin, Christian. C: I lurv does people. x3

by the way, my profile picture was cut out of a family photo I took last Christmas.
Look how cute I am.