
Joined: June 7, 2011
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Givexitxall23's Favorite Quotes


Keep Your Smile

Chapter Three, part three

Adam’s arms were around Sarah. Her arms were around his neck. Adam was kissing her, and his eyes met hers. My eyes welled up with tears and I began trembling. That was not breaking up! Adam’s eyes trailed off for a moment and he saw me. He gasped and I shook my head. I ran out to the stairs, ignoring Adam’s calls of, “Shay! No, Shay, wait!” I sped down the stairs and was about to exit, but Adam’s arm grabbed mine. “Shay, I can explain…”
“Explain what? That you accidentally kissed her? That you forgot what breaking up is? That she just came home earlier than you told me? That you love her, but like me?”
“Stop,” I insisted, and my voice got all choked up. “I’m done with all this…”
“Why did you come back?”
“You don’t even have the right to ask!” I shouted at him. I balled up my fists and swallowed the lump in my throat. “If you must know, I was kicked out. I only came because you were the only one who cared—seemed to care. But it was bullshit.”
“No, Shay, I lo—” he began.
“No, Adam, you don’t. You don’t do that to people you love.”
“Shay… Listen, Sarah kissed me,” he told me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I pushed him off.
“You liar!” I yelled and backed away. “Your arms were around her waist, you were looking into her eyes, who knows what would’ve happened if you didn’t see me.”
“Shay…. I’m sorry… I love you, I do; I just got caught up in the moment. I’m so sorry,” he apologized; his blue eyes looked into mine.
I looked back up into his. “You’re just sorry… that you got caught…” I dashed out the door and kept running, ignoring him calling my name. The tears streamed down my face and I collapsed onto the grass. I couldn’t stop crying. My whole body was shaking… He and Brian were no different. I had to quit my job. I had to leave. Soon. Now.

List of Contents
Chapter One, pt. 1:
Chapter One, pt. 2:
Chapter One, pt. 3:
Chapter One, pt. 4:
Chapter Two, pt. 1:
Chapter Two, pt. 2:
Chapter Two, pt. 3:
Chapter Three, pt. 1:
Chapter Three, pt. 2:
Sorry for the short chapter, you guys! ♥

Sequel to Monster
Chapter eight part two

"Do you want something to drink?" Amy asked.
"I'm, sure. I'll have a coke." Shannon replied.
"Okay, I'll be back. Jessie, take her into the living room." She disappeared into the kitchen.
I guided Shannon into the living room and we took a seat on the couch.
I stared at Shannon for a moment. She reminded me so much of Kaci. Her strawberry blonde hair and brown eyes we exactly like Kaci's. The dimples in her cheeks and her wide smile too, reminded me of Kaci.
"So, it looks like you've been doing good." She said with a light smile.
"Yeah, I have." I smiled back. "What about you?"
"I've missed you, Jessie. Ever since you left that day I've felt so... alone." My smile vanished and I immediately felt sorry. Shannon and I had been so close when I was with Kaci. It was as if she was my own little sister.
"I've missed you too. And I'm sorry for leaving." She was quiet for a moment. Then, slowly, she leaned forward until our lips met.
Shannon's kiss caused memories of Kaci to flood my unshattered memory. The smell of Kaci's perfume as we laid in the grass at the park, staring up at the stars. The feel of her lips when she kissed me. The way her body felt against mine as we made love. Her kiss was warm and soft like Kaci's, but it lacked the passion Amy's kiss always held. Amy.
Quickly, I pulled away. "What are you doing?" I asked Shannon, wiping my mouth free of her light pink lipstick.
"Kissing you." She said, confused.
"Well don't, okay? I have a girlfriend and a baby on the way." I practically hissed. Shannon's face grew solemn.
"But, I-I thought you liked me?" She whispered.
"What made you think that?"
"That night, after Kaci died, you held me so gently. You said you would always be there for me. I waited for you to call, but you never did. I knew one day I would see you again, and I would run into your arms." My temper faded and my face softened.
"Oh Shannon, I'm so sorry. I held you because I needed someone. I was heartbroken. I told you I would always be there because you just lost a sister. I wanted to be like an older brother to you. I'm sorry." I watched as her face grew pained and sad as she realized what I had said.
"I-I should go." She stood up and bolted out of the room just as Amy entered it.
"She's leaving already?" Amy asked, setting two cokes down on the coffee table.
"Yeah. She had to unpack." I lied.
"Huh. I didn't even get to know her." I stared at Amy. Her light blonde hair was up in a ponytail. Her perfect curves and slight baby bump were hidden underneath a plain, white T-shirt. Her long, tanned legs showed in her light jean shorts. She was gorgeous.
"Amy, I don't want to lie to you." I finally said, getting to my feet. "Shannon kissed me. And I liked it." Amy looked shocked and appalled.
"But she's.... she's ...sixteen!" She shouted in anger.
"I know, I know." She didn't give me a chance to finish.
"You're going to leave me and your baby for a sixteen year old?"
"Whoa! Let's not go overboard with this! You didn't even let me finish." She crossed her arms over her chest, a tell-tell sign she was annoyed. "Yes, Shannon kissed me and I liked it. It reminded me of Kaci. Of all the times we spent together. But then your face popped into my head. You're perfect, flawless face. Shannon's kiss was warm and inviting, but it lacked all the passion of you. So I pushed her away and told her I didn't like her. Amy, I love you so much and I would never leave you for anyone. I'm here to stay whether you like it or not." I gently kissed her forehead, reassuring her of my love for her.
She sighed. "Damn it." She mumbled with her eyes closed. I chuckled.
"What?" I asked softly.
"You're so hot which makes me unable to stay mad at you." I pulled away and smiled.
"I am pretty sexy."
"Whatever, I wouldn't go that far." She smiled.
"Come on! You've seen me naked! You have to admit that I have a pretty rockin' body." I flexed my right arm, exposing my muscles.
She fake yawned. "Not impressed."
"Well I'm just going to have to show you then." I cradled her in my arms and she laughed. I smiled, carrying her up the stairs and into her bedroom.
Remembering Kaci had caused something to happen inside me. I had finally began to let her go. Kaci was in the past, and Amy was my future.

Sequel to Monster
Chapter eight part one

*Jessie's point of view*
I stared at Shannon as she approached me, her arms spread wide. Shannon. What was she doing here? All memories of Kaci flooded my mind. Shannon was Kaci, my dead ex-girlfriends, younger sister.
"Jessie!" She called. She wrapped her arms around me with joy. Hugging her reminded me of the day after Kaci had died. We sat in Shannon's room, crying with sorrow and holding each other with compassion. Sadness overcame me. "I haven't seen you since you moved!"
Since I moved. The memory of that day invaded my mind. I remembered it so clearly, as if it was yesterday.
"Jessie, I have to tell you something." Shannon said, lingering on her front porch. She was all of thirteen and I only fifteen.
"What is it?" I asked, squinting against the fluorescent sun. I was standing in the driveway next to my car. I had just finished stuffing the last of the boxes into the back. Jason and Tommy were waiting for me in the moving van. They didn't appear to be listening.
Shannon looked down at her bare feet, deciding on what to say next. "It's about Kaci." She mumbled. My eyes began to water. It had only been a month since Kaci's death. Every time someone said her name I wanted to break down into tears.
"Yeah, what about her?" I asked.
"Well, before she died, she didn't know if.. the baby was yours or....Jasons." My heart stopped. Mine or....Jasons? How could he do this to me! Kaci was my girlfriend, and I loved her. How could he fool around with her?
Shannon snapped me back into reality as she said my name once more. "Jessie? Are you okay?"
"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine. It's great to see you." I smiled and hugged her again. I glanced over Shannon's shoulder at Amy. She wore a look of jealousy. I couldn't help but smile. I loved her so much.
"I haven't seen you in forever!" Shannon beamed.
"Yeah, its been what? Three years?" I replied.
"Yeah, it has."
"So, you're moving in next door?" I asked.
"Yeah. It's great, isn't it? Now we can live next door to each other like old times!"
"Oh, I don't live here. Amy does. Shannon, this is Amy, my
fiancé." Shannon looked at me in disbelief.
Fiancé?" She repeated.
"Yep. We got engaged last month." I bragged with a huge smile. Amy made me so happy. I glanced over at Amy and noticed she was smiling.
"But, what about....Kaci?" She whispered. My smile vanished.
"Shannon, it's been three years." I replied.
"But you loved her."
"Yeah, I did and I always will. But I love Amy, too. She makes me happy. And we're having a baby together. I'm happier than I've ever been." She looked disappointed. Her shoulders slumped and I saw a twinkle of tears in her eyes.
"Oh. Well I better get going. Still have to unpack." She turned and began to head back to her house.
"Wait." Amy called after her. "Do you want to come in?" 
Shannon turned around. "You're inviting me in?"
"Yeah. It looks like Jessie and you used to be friends. I would love to get to know you and hear about old times." Shannon half smiled.
"Okay." We all headed up the small, brick path to the front door. Amy pulled a silver key out of her pocket and unlocked the door. We all piled in.

Chapter nineteen part two

"When I lived in Reno, I had a girlfriend. Kaci Gray. She was perfect." A slight smile lit up his face. "We were madly in love. She was my everything." I pouted and crossed my arms. I didn't like where this was going at all. Jessie smiled a little at my childish ways. Then his smile vanished. "I got her pregnant." He said, turning his gaze back to the window. "We were both fifteen. I had vowed I would stay with her, and help raise our baby. Her parents didn't like me, but hey agreed to let me help." He paused for a moment, tears filling his eyes. "A few days later she was in a car accident. She died on the scene." I stood there, all sign of jealousy gone. "Jessie, I'm so sorry." I said, going to stand next to him. "Amy, I need you to know something." He replied, turning to look at me. I nodded for him to continue. "I loved Kaci with everything I had. I thought she was the one girl I was going to be with forever. But that was before I met you. She was mine then, but your mine now. Even if she was still alive and we had a baby together, you're the one I love. I didn't know what love was back then. I was too young to know. But I know what it is now. I love you more than anything in this messed up world. " As he spoke, his eyes went back to its bright blue and filed with tears. "Amy, I stand here right now, and give you my heart." The tears that were harboring in his eyes slid down his cheeks. I threw my arms around him as I began to cry. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me tight against him. "Jessie, I want you to have my heart too." I mumbled through my tears. He pulled back and looked at me. Slowly, he bent down and kissed me with so much passion, my knees grew weak. Without stopping the kiss, he bent down and picked me up, cradling me in his arms. He walked me over to the bed and sat me down. He gently laid on top of me, pulling off his pants. I took off mine as well, letting him slowly slide inside me. He kissed me everywhere, filling me with love and passion. As we made love, he whispered sweet things in my ear. He reminded me of the love he held for me and how he would never leave my side. After an hour of filling myself with Jessie, there was a knock on the door. "Amy? We need to talk." Tommy's voice said from the other side of the door. I jumped up, remembering where I was. "Hang on!" I replied, struggling to put on my bra. Jessie stifled a laugh as he clasped the back. "Thanks." I mumbled, pulling on my shorts and throwing on my shirt. Jessie put on his pants. He called for Tommy to come in, his shirt still laying on the floor beside my desk. Tommy opened the door and took a look in the scene in front of him. "Oh, uh, sorry." He said, looking at me as I struggled to button my shorts. I looked down at the floor, turning red. "No problem. We were just finishing up." Jessie replied. I looked over at him. A smile played around on his lips, threatening to be exposed. "I can see that." Tommy mumbled, a hint of jealousy lingering in his eyes. "So, what did you need to talk about?" I asked, gladly changing the subject. "Oh, yeah. Well, uh, Tony just called. He said he's got Johnny and he's taking him in right now." I smiled and ran over to Tommy. With happiness, I threw my arms around him. "Thank you so much, Tommy!" I said. With slight hesitation, he put his arms around me. "It's all part of my job, ma'am." He replied. I pulled back and ran over to Jessie, flinging my arms around him much like I had Tommy. "He's going to be locked up." I told him, even though he had heard the whole conversation between Tommy and me. "He cant hurt me anymore." Jessie tightened his arms around me. "I know babe, I know." I pulled away from him and kissed his soft lips. "Well, I have to get back to the station and help book him in." "Bye Tommy, and thanks again for all of your help." I replied. He smiled. "See you around, Jessie." He said, pulling his eyes from mine. Jessie didn't reply, but he nodded. "I hope I'll see you again." I said to Tommy as he began to walk away. He looked at Jessie then back at me. "Maybe." He replied before leaving the room. I looked at Jessie, waiting for him to give me an answer to Tommy's reluctant answer. I mean, he was his brother, and I was Jessie's girlfriend. Didn't that mean I would be seeing a lot of him? "Come on babe, we need to get down stairs. If you have my heart, don't you think your parents need to get to know me?" He flashed me his perfect, gorgeous smile and I couldn't help but smile back. I took his hand and we descended down the stairs. Jessie was more than words could describe. I loved him, and he loved me. But soon, that love would have to be shared.

Chapter eighteen part two

"Tommy?" I heard a familiar voice ask.
"Jessie?" Tommy replied. I jumped to my feet in joy, sprinting for the door.
"Jessie!" I shouted, throwing myself in his arms. I buried my face in his collar bone, breathing in his familiar delicious scent.
"Amy." He replied. I could here the smile in his voice.
"I'm so glad you're here." I said.
"Me too." He kissed me on the top of my head. I pulled away and wrapped my arm around his waist.
"Well come inside." I said, tugging him in the direction of the living room.
"Wait." I heard Tommy's voice say as he shut the front door. Jessie and I stopped, turning around.
"It's fine, Tommy. This is Jessie, my boyfriend." I looked up at Jessie's eyes, my smiling growing.
"Yeah, and that's the problem." I pulled my gaze from Jessie to look at Tommy. "What are you doing here, Jessie?"
"I'm visiting my girlfriend." He replied, his words iced.
"Does she know-"
"Can we not talk about this here." Jessie's cold words interrupted him.
"Talk about what?" I asked, looking from Tommy to Jessie.
"Nothing babe, don't worry about it." Jessie bent down and kissed me lightly on the lips.
"Well, I think I have a right to know." My mom said, slightly stepping forward.
"Nothing to worry about, ma'am." Tommy reassured her. "It's not that important."
"But I'm her mother! I should know what her boyfriends are up to!"
"Guess you didn't know much about Johnny, huh?" Jessie said, staring her straight in the eyes.
"Don't you ever talk to me like that young man!" My mom shouted.
"Don't be so quick to judge, ma'am." Jessie replied, mocking Tommy's politeness.
"Amy! are you going to let him talk to me like that?" She looked at me with sharp, innocent eyes.
"It's not like he's lying." I replied. "You are assuming Jessie is trouble, yet you played Johnny off to be a saint. You're not so good at predicting." She puffed up, growing angrier and angrier with every breath.
"Jessie, Amy, come into the living room with me. I don't want a fight." Tommy said, stepping in before mom could start to really yell. Jessie and I followed Tommy into the living room without even a glance in mom's direction.
"So, about the previous topic..." Tommy began.
"This is not the time nor place." Jessie spat, interrupting him.
"She needs to know, Jessie. She's your girlfriend!"
"Hold the press." I said, throwing my hands in the air. "How do you know each other first of all?"
"He's brother." Jessie replied, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Brother!" I said in shock, my voice growing louder. "I didn't know you had a brother."
"Well, you never asked." He replied. I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Jessie Gantro, don't get all cocky with me." He smiled and kissed me.
"Sorry babe."
"Next question. What are you not telling me?" His eyes went from a mocking smile to anger in a second.
"It's not important." He replied swiftly.
"Yes it is and you know it." Tommy said. Jessie shot him a warning glance.
"Shut up. Why do you care anyway?" Tommy looked at me for a moment, then back at Jessie.
"I'm just looking out for Amy."
"I can do that myself!" Jessie shouted. He grabbed my hand. "Come on." He said, pulling me towards the stairs.
What was with Jessie? I had never seen him this angry. What was he hiding from me and why wouldn't he tell me? Was it that bad? Couldn't he tell me?
My questions went unanswered as we headed up the stairs in search for my room.

*Each and every one of you make my day with your comments about me and the story. Thank you guys so much! It really means a lot! :D