
Joined: November 13, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 133676

Jill, 16,

New Hampshire.
my boyfriend<3
live life to the fullest

Quotes by JMiLLyx3

if only everyone knew how i've been feeling the past month or so .. then maybe people wouldn't ignore me or maybe they would actually care .. but nope they all think i'm okay because i put on my fake happy act.

If E V E R Y T H I N G come from

S O M E T H I N G, then how does

S O M E T H I N G come from

N O T H I N G ?

"hi, you look like my 5th boyfriend"

"oh, how many have you had?"

 ♥ "i've had 4" ♥

Will The Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up?

Happy 39th Birthday Eminem<3


I don't even know the meaning of the word. I have no family, my friends are my
family now. Ever since that big fight between all of us, nothing has been the same.
We used to have parties every weekend, we used to all love each other,
now look at us, anytime we ever see each other is for birthdays.
We are tearing apart more & more each day & no body even cares,
but does anyone ever stop to think that maybe the kids care?
We have a say in the matter too. 
What ever happened to "family is always first" ?
I guess that doesn't matter anymore because of all of this. 
When I start my own family, I'm never letting it turn into this, I'm not letting my
children live through the kind of thing that I have to live through.

This is so heart broken that one stupid fight can break up the whole family

Boston Bruin

2011 Stanley Cup

First Game of The Season Tonight!<3
Woot Woot(:

I Haven't Cried This Hard In Almost 2 Years ... 
Being Single Sucks So Far .. </3

If You Take It Step By Step,

Everything Will Become Better<3

Boyfriend; youu okk?
Me; yeah im finee hah why wouldnt i be? dans my friend again, i get to see my best friend this weekend, im getting my hair re done, & i have a goood boyfriend, what more could i want?

Now Heres What I Wanted To Say ;; No, I'm Horrible, I feel that Dan only accepted my apology just so he wouldn't have to hear me anymore, my plans for this weekend will probably get ruined like they always do, my hair won't come out how I want it too, & my boyfriend has no idea how I've been feeling these days. 

i feel so alone in this world, no matter what good things are here w. me, i still feel so alone .. i feel that there are no solutions to anything anymore. every day i wish to fall asleep, & to never wake up .. 


8:46 AM ;; American Airlines Flight 11 was flown into the north tower of the World Trace Center located in New York. 
9:02 AM ;; Flight 175 was flown into the south tower of the World Trade Center located in New York
9:37 AM ;; Flight 77 was flown into the Pentagon located in Washington, DC
10:10 AM ;; Flight 93 was crashed into a Pennsylvania field. 
10:28 AM ;; Both World Trade Centers fell to the ground, killing many lives.

Over 3,000 people were killed on this day. 3,000 innocent lives were ruined all because of the terrorists. Today, 10 years later, we remember & pray for every single soul that was lost. We also pray for the families of those lives that were lost. May God Bless Everyone On This Very Tragic Day In History. 

RIP ;; You May Be Gone, But You Will Never Be Forgotten, <3*