
Joined: December 22, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 61204


There's someone for everyone.

So theres a girl out in the world, and her name is Julie Ann.
And that may or may not be me=]

lovess! print.
friends. track. running. sinnging.
witty. my cell. wristbands.

amazing people!


[x] online
[] offline


sick of all the witty b*****S on this sight.
stop trying to own the effin websight.

Go sara! you take good pictures:



and were done.

Quotes by Jewliix3  
Life's biggest secret;
(beauty is hidden)
I give up.
because nothing I do is ever good enough.
 Truth be told;
I think about you often.
"who are you now"
I should have stopped you
but I couldn't stop myself.

i wonder if you remember.
everytimI look at you
I forget the pain you put me through
ou have a way of capturing me
I love you but you disagree
If tomorrow I was better
Would I be enough for you?
Life goes on but i'm gone
|| Without you. ||

 I can't breath without you
But I have to.
There are some things I was just never ment to be;
successful, loved, happy