
Joined: December 22, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 61204


There's someone for everyone.

So theres a girl out in the world, and her name is Julie Ann.
And that may or may not be me=]

lovess! print.
friends. track. running. sinnging.
witty. my cell. wristbands.

amazing people!


[x] online
[] offline


sick of all the witty b*****S on this sight.
stop trying to own the effin websight.

Go sara! you take good pictures:



and were done.

Jewliix3's Favorite Quotes

i hear the words that you  speak  late  at  night

holding me breath, keeping my head on right

there's  a  chill  in  the  air  but  nobody  cares
and  look  for  an  answer ,  no   one   dares
you're like the tide in the deep blue
cause your always there when i need you
and when you need someone to carry you through

likyou for me ill be there foyou

this new life i have, this new life i've been given
its a cemetery of lies i've learned to live in
what matters has gone and i've fallen through
never stopping to ask where are you
so give me the pain you know i'm missing

and just leave me in the dark, always wishing

i'm tired of being measured
by how high i hold me head
i'm tired of this mask i wear
and   all   the   tears   i   shed
so lets  push  away the evil
and forget about theyre cries
i must become whats expected
and  make  right  all  these  lies

Texting + Facebook = Textbook.
So,     I'm     Studying       right?


Gotta Love Facebook(:
Grab the razor,
lock the door. Blast the music, so know one hears.It's a blade in disguise no one knows you use it don't use it on arms you're not that press it deep into your leg...oops it slipped ! !noworries mom(: gym class no problem what are bandaids for?i tripped.i razor slipped...i know how you feel girl but you can't hide forever.
This quote does not exist.

I won't waste a flower.✿

When I know he loves me not.

This quote does not exist.
Today, I was taking a quiz in chem when this kid announces "This quiz is easy." Without missing a beat, my teacher replies "Your mom is easy." Chem is awesome

