
Joined: September 24, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 220660

Kayla11xo's Favorite Quotes

        the awkward moment
                                  when your 14 and havent had your first kiss yet
This quote does not exist.
*Thoughts while looking at the Top Quotes*
1. Ha.Ha.Ha. Never seen that one before... *rolls eyes*
2. Oh look Jimmy365.. Again.
3. Attention seeking.
4. Fake fake fake.
5. See #2.
6. Wow. 576978 One Direction quotes.. No one cares.
7. Hahahahahaha that's funny. *fave*
8. Awhh another quote that makes me feel forever alone. *fave*
9. More Witty guys that try to seem so caring about girls. And we fall for it.
10. "Fave if..." No.
11. Oh it's another awkward moment that isn't awkward..
12. 422345 more iPhone conversations.
13. I'm pretty sure that's a top quote every day...
14. That's so sad.. *fave*

My quote, my format. 


One Directiofact #123
Harry's and Louis' moms are as close as Harry and Louis.

format by DamnnTaylerx

Yeah.. i got in a car accident tonight with my best friend. We're okay, THANK GOD. it was pretty minor. But the weird thing is, i PRAYED right before it happened. I felt a weird feeling. I asked us to keep us safe and if i were to die, if i could please make my way through heaven. Thank you, Jesus. Fave if you think this is incredible.
Im a Barbie Girl, In the Barbie world. Life in Plastic, It's fantastic!

Admit it. You just read this with an annoying women's voice.
When I go on witty, My nephew (9 months old) likes to look at the colors. Today I sat down at the computer and he was on my lap. I logged onto witty and he looked at it. His first word ever was "UGLY!" because there were no colors on the homepage. AW!

Fave if you have never had a first kiss. Or am I the only one?

bad decisions make good stories


dear boyfriend ,
i'm wirting you this over witty. i just want you to know how much i truely love you. you've honestly have been there for me since day 1. oohp ! i just got a text from you(: anyways, your the reason for the smile on my face. your the best boyfriend ive ever had, and you actually arent like any other guy, i happen to know...i just want to say i love you baby(: ! xoxoxo, always&&foreverrr 11-8-2011 forever&&always .

Format by Sandrasaurus

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