
Joined: August 21, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 210142

Hey, the name's Kristin. None of you probably care; so screw it.
I'm 13. wahoo.
I'm not here to get followers or likes? I'm here to read some relateable fxcking quotes.(x
I love some of these quotes, my goodness.
Yeah,yeah , i have a himthat isn't and probably won't ever be mine, yay.
I can be a pretty big smartassss, but get used to it.(;
I only get on here when I'd moody and need cheering up, it always does the job.
Love you guys.
leave a comment, i guess.

Quotes by Kristinlovesyou

New Years Resolution;
Try and be good enough or worth it.
Maybe just once?

I've always been pretty good at math.
But there's this one problem...
I can't ever* get right.
I always thought:
But, apparently that answer's wrong.
Can you work it out and try to get the same answer?


I always wonder what guys think of me..
I see happy,adorable couples everyday..
Maybe we could become them one day...
But, I'm just the friend type to you..


If you be sugar,I'll be spice...
If you be fire, I'll be ice...

If you're cold, I'll make you hot
As long as you give me all you've got.

I'm not supposed to love you.
I'm not supposed to care.
I'm not supposed to live my life..
wishing you were there.
I'm not supposed to wonder..
where you are or what you do..
I'm sorry I can't help myself...
I fell in love with you.

Can you like please

stay out of my mind....

Just for a second?

Everyone wants happiness...
Nobody wants pain 

But you can't have a rainbow...
W I T H O U T  A  L I T T L E  R A I N.


I may not be your favorite color crayon.... but one day you're gonna need me* 
to complete your picture.♥




Neverlet someone becomeyourpriority

While only allowing

yourself to be their



I don't know

what scares me more...the fact that you'll never start loving me...

or the fact that I'll never stop loving you?

Format by Sandrasaurus