
Joined: November 8, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 235729
take a lil walk in the country♥


hey yall.its kyler ashlee mckonner here.ive got one bro kobe mikehal mckonner& one  step sister mychelle analynn grocei live with my dad tyler and step mom real mother ticha left when i was from clarke county georgia.i will be 15 soon..anyhting else just ask.

KylerLovesXoXo's Favorite Quotes

This quote does not exist.
Charlie Sheen is all over the news this week because he is a celebrity drug addict.
Justin Bieber was all over the news for two days, because he cut his hair.
Andrew Wilfahrt (31),
Brian Tabada (21), Rudolph Hizon (22), Chauncy Mays (25), Christopher Stark (22),
Kristopher Gould (25), David Fahey (23)
are all soldiers who gave their lives this week with no media mention.
Honor THEM by re-posting this.

This is what we should be talking about, not who charlie sheen is gonna do next

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

So today,
My dad turned on our local news channel to see what happened in Japan. They talked about that for about 2 minutes...
and then they continued talking about Charlie Sheen and his problems.
This made me so mad.
Because I think that the fact that an earthquake + tsunami hit Japan,
and killed over 1,000 people is more important,
than Charlie Sheen getting fired from Two and a Half Men.


Fade by XxprettixX nmf

theres a law in Anchorage,Alaska

that says you cannot tie a dog to the roof of

their cars

it makes me wonder if that really was a

widespread problem


He liedtoyou

1000 times

he'll break your heart twice as many time.

and you still say you love him.

for what?

breaking your heart?

"No amount of time with you could be long enough ; but lets start with forever"

Im kinda bisexual
you buy me somethin
i become sexual


 November 2nd is my sisters birthday, Ellie. She would be 14.
She was beautiful, light blonde hair, hazel eyes. 
She's anything a guy could ever want in a girl, well in my eyes.
She was perfect, smart, funny. 
And I was blessed to have her to be my sister. 
On July 6th, 2010 Ellie was caught in a rip tide when surfing. 
She fell off her board and hit her head. She was knocked out and drowned.
It was a freak accident I could never forget. 
I never thought I'd loose something like that, afterall I was only 11, what did I know?
I avoided everything after that, surfing, soccer, school and my family. 
I cried almost every day over her.
I never thought this would happen. 
This never should've happened to her, she was amazing.
She would be in 9th grade now, first yea rof high school. 

I wanted to make this quote to show her how much I care.
And how everyone misses and cares for her.
So Ellie, this is for you.

Love Jamsie boy.


Hey mom, I LOVE YOU
What do you want?

To be accepted as your daughter.

We'll talk about this later, Kevin.


November 2nd is my sisters birthday, Ellie. She would be 14.

She was beautiful, light blonde hair, hazel eyes. 
She's anything a guy could ever want in a girl, well in my eyes.
She was perfect, smart, funny. 
And I was blessed to have her to be my sister. 
On July 6th, 2010 Ellie was caught in a rip tide when surfing. 
She fell off her board and hit her head. She was knocked out and drowned.
It was a freak accident I could never forget. 
I never thought I'd loose something like that, afterall I was only 11, what did I know?
I avoided everything after that, surfing, soccer, school and my family. 
I cried almost every day over her.
I never thought this would happen. 
This never should've happened to her, she was amazing.
She would be in 9th grade now, first yea rof high school. 

I wanted to make this quote to show her how much I care.
And how everyone misses and cares for her.
So Ellie, this is for you.

Love Jamsie boy.