
Status: im back
Joined: April 26, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: May 14
user id: 169361
Location: IHOP
Gender: F

16/F/Team USA

the name's cassidy.
i'm asian.
and niall horan sleeps in my bed every night.
but i am dating zac efron in real life.
dead serious. 
some people i like: casper lee, sam pepper, jackson harries, finnigan harries, marcus butler, alfie deyes.
and i plan to marry a harries.

Quotes by Legittlyinsane

I feel so bad for Zayn right now. He was over seas and a family member died. Poor baby. 

Oh my gosh guys, I am gonna make a fake account, go to google, look up "emo girls from tumblr" on Google, and say its me. Then start harrassing people on Witty.
Really? Are you that immature?

Yesterday I went to the Ringly Brothers Circus, I felt like a kid again. 

So I think I might have diabetes. I've been having issues with keeping my blood sugar up. And lately it just drops randomly. And I really can't have it. It's not in my genes I don't think. I have to talk to my mom about it. Could you guys please pray that I don't have it. It'd mean alot.

February 27, 2012

Im giving up trying, why is it that I have to change for everyone? Why is it so hard to please them? why con't they like me for me? Im done trying for real. Im not going to be that person anymore.


Fill up my inbox, bored. I will answer anything.

I have been up since 7pm it is now 7am. fml.

You are in a relationship with Him.
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Just another night.
Where you ignore me. 

My name is Cassidy.
And you don't know me.
The real me.