
Joined: November 2, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 131602
Hmmm...hey guys! I'm LoveYouForever1306! But you probably already knew that... Just another small town girl, going through all that school girl and boy drama crap. I really hate rumors and drama. It's pointless and stupid. It's not even worth it, ya know? Im a normal person. Music is my passion...although i doubt ill ever make it big anywhere. I'd really love to be on Glee someday.. But hey, ya never know! I love sports A LOT also QUITE a big potter fan!(: Friends are cool. Boys? That's where its confusing. I'm great with advice! If you need it, leave a comment!! My quotes probably aren't the greatest, but...comment, fave, and follow me! It would MAKE MY DAY. legit. kay. I guess I'm done here! Thanks for reading. love youuu.

You are BEAUTIFUL. Don't you ever forget that. Don't let ANYONE tell you different and don't let anyone get you down! They're honestly not worth your time! Please check out

Quotes by LoveYouForever1306

I am 62% obsessed with my looks

I own:
[x] hair straightener
[x] curling iron
[x] mousse
[x] hairspray
[] gel
[x] other sprays
[x] bobby pins
[x] hair clips
[x] hair ties
[x] round barrel brush
[x] blow dryer
[x] mirror
[] I have dyed my hair
[] I have/had highlights

[x] black eyeliner
[x] other color eyeliner
[x] eye shadow
[x] mascara
[] fake eyelashes
[] eyelash curler
[] eye shimmer
[] contacts
[] stunna shades
[x] eye makeup remover

[x] clear lip gloss
[x] red or pink lip gloss
[] lipstick
[x] chap stick
[] lip plumper
[x] electric toothbrush
[] teeth whitener
[] more than 15 lip glosses
[x] toothpaste

Complexion/Overall Face:
[x] blush
[x] moisturizer
[x] face wash
[] bronzer
[x] makeup remover
[x] face wipes
[x] powder
[x] cover up

[x]nail polish/varnish
[] filer
[x] nail clipper
[x] nail buffer
[] cuticle remover
[] nail hardener
[] nail brush
[] fake nails
[] nail scissors

Now multiply your number by 2
Then repost as I am _% obsessed with my looks

Rain Rain Go Away.
That's what all my haters say.

Bad day.
I hate everyone.

Aww! Don't be sad!

Do you want me to buy you a

Considering the school rules and the fact that you're a F.R.E.S.H.M.A.N. ,
You should NOT
be wearing shorts THAT short.

You' ve already got a bad rep. at this school.

Who has 2 thumbs and is gonna look like a hot mess tomorrow cause she left all her makeup in her school locker?!


I swear he's cute, hold on . . . 

EveDisneinspires me  !!!

"just keep swimming"

~finding nemo

"reach for the sky"

~toy story

"nothing's impossible"

~alice in wonderland

"hukuna matata! it means no worries for the rest of your days"

~the lion king

"even miracles take a little time"


"they say if you dream about something more than once, its sure to come true."

~alice in wonderland

"if you live to be 100, i want to live to 100 minus a day
so i never have to live without you"

~winnie the pooh 

"all it takes is faith and trust"

~peter pan

"ohana means family, and family means no one gets left behind"

~lilo and stitch

It's not that I hate you,
it's like, uh, let's put it this way:
if you were on fire and I had water,
I would probably drink the water.


What is wrong with you?

How dare you make fun of someone for something they can't control!

 She has acne. - 
Do you think she chose to have red spots all over her face?

Her nose is big. - Who cares? Is she supposed to get plastic surgery? Hmm?
She has crooked teeth. - I've never met someone who got braces just for fun.
She wears glasses. - Do you think people like being half-blind? They don't.
Her hair is frizzy. - Some people don't like frying their hair w/ a straightener.
She's not a size 0. - Oh, I'm sorry that some of us aren't afraid to eat cookies.

Imperfection  i beautiful.