
Joined: January 30, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 269360
Hi. I'm Lauren , I'm all about friends, family and animals. I LOVE dogs, shopping, follow me I'll follow back :)

Quotes by Lucyforever

When all you want is to feel pretty for even the slightest bit of time

When you post a quote and you get about 2 favorites.
Someone else posts the same exact quote and its #1 on top quotes.

Falling for the guy

That you promised your friends that you were over him


Whenever someone says the word "Tarragon" you automatically think of Hannah Montana

This one is for the girls who've had their heart broken by a guy they never even dated <3

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass
 It's about learning to dance in the rain

When your looking at old pictures of yourself 
and thinking " Why did my parents let me out of the house looking like that!?"