
Joined: August 26, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 212249
So, I mess up a lot. I struggle. And I say things I really regret. 

The Witty is something my dear, darling friend, who is going to most likely get me kicked out of Sociology for being too loud, told me about. I like the opportunity to anonomously post. Obviously :)  Hopefully, some people will read my stuff and smile. Some might even laugh. 

Quotes by MistakesMakeMe

Spiders have six extra legs, wanna know why?

‎"I love you times what you said times three infinity squared"

freakin people outdoin me.
I hope someone else can make you smile like I do.

I hope you give someone else the power to make your face light up like I make it.

I hope you pick better next time.

Because I'm sick of the responsibility of making you happy, and I'm sick of tearing you apart.
"It's ok to cry sometimes; it gets the sad out"
I lie to hurt people when I'm angry at them.

I mess up so much.

I have things in my past I know weren't great.

I still make mistakes.

But it's been a beautiful ride, and so far...

I have no regrets.
Sometimes I swallow my pride, admit I miss you, and pick up the phone. Only, when I hang up, I know it was a mistake. Tell me to stop trying so I can say I tried my best?
"Lets make like a baby, and head outta here!"
Today I kissed this boy...

....and there were no sparks.  

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