
Joined: April 6, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 289970

Quotes by MsMischeifManaged


I'm f/cking famous.

Waitress: What could I get you to drink?
Me: The blood of my enemies.
: Is Pepsi okay?

Witty needs spell chek.

//Please don't tell me that everyone is going to make a big deal out of the guys joining witty like the deal made about 1d//

Justinbeiber :
"Screaming isn't music."

I really cannot stand this kid.
Let the hate commence.

My Mom Thinks Witty is a Waste of Time.

She also thinks that Vans Warped Tour is dumb. She wants me to delete my witty and we got into a fight. She said that "Witty Profiles is just full of fake people who don't do anything." She also said that music is garbage. Warped is in 1month and 27days. So she said that if 127 "lazy, fake" people fave this quote, I can keep my witty and I can go to warped. I really want to see I See Stars and Breathe Carolina and Jeffree Star. So please, please, witty I beg you. Just fave this and then delete it in a day. I just NEED her to see that witty is not full of fake lazy people. Please. I need you. You can unfave in a day. Thx(:

Don't fav this.
I'm just saving the format.

seriously. don't fav this.♥
I put the fun in "funeral" and the laughter in "manslaughter".