
Joined: December 4, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 375779
Gender: M

Quotes by MusclesGlasses

Happy Valentines Day!!
Hope You All Have A Wonderful Day! I usually hate Valentines Day, but this one just feels... DIFFERENT! SPECIAL!
Idk.... maybe.
Sometimes, LOVE is definately NOT the most powerful force in this world. Sometimes, love is one-sided, and that's how it seems now... But at the same time, I can't help but hope that someday she WILL love me back. At the same time, I know that it will never happen... And I just have no idea what else to do with my life... People say "It gets better." But does it? Or does it all just stay the same? Miserable, Hopeless, and ending too soon. Or, rather, not soon enough..
The only "B" word you should ever call a Girl is Beautiful...
Because that's all they really are...
When guys say mean things about me, I retaliate, because they are not joking, they're being a JERK,.
When girls say mean things about me, yeah, It hurts like H3LL, But I just take it.
And that is because, without girls in my life, I feel lonely... Yet any time I try and FLIRT I just seem super STUPID,
And then turn out annoying...
Some people think I'm really
But others say I'm
So which is it, Guys?
I would honestly give anything, ANYTHING!
Just to hear Her say "I love You"
For the rest of my days.
And for her to say, "I'm here to stay"
And to have the one my heart desires.
If that makes me sound "desperate" Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not. I just want love.
I will Try to find my Place,
In the Diary of Jane
Breaking Benjamin,
The Diary of Jane.
Dim My Eyes.
Dim my eyes to better judgment,
I can only manage to relent,
On your destruction I am bent,
I know exactly what you meant.

 I see you are still running,
As the world just keeps on burning,
And my stomach begins churning,
And the Earth is no longer turning.
Dim my eyes to every ailment,
This hatred held is permanent,
And the world tumbles end over end,
And the Universe, it begins to rend.
The blood is spilled,
And people are thrilled,
When others are killed,
My eyes are dimmed.
Dim my eyes to all the pain,
When all I hear is all the rain,
Nobody else is ever sane,
Well I’ll state my mind, if it’s all the same.
Your lies are truly fatal,
Well tread lightly, for your life is fading,
And everyone else is waiting,
While holding their breath, and suffocating.
Dim my eyes to all I’m losing,
Which ironically, is everything,
With every breath I’m dying,
Trying to keep from drowning.
"Suicide." the action of killing oneself intentionally. Though it may seem right, is not the answer, we are all beautiful,
in our own ways, Forget about the haters, They're LOSERS!
"Detrimental." tending to cause harm.
That is also never good,
especially if it is to another
Human Being.
"ABNORMAL." deviating from what is normal or usual,
typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying
. That
is bull pockey man. Whoever uses this word on people
has no reason to even speak! 
I guess the message of this is to people who are 
Physically or Verbally abusive to other humans.
DON'T be a rude person. Treat others the way you 
wanna be treated.
In your smile,
Stay awhile,
And Know that I'll,
Make it Worthwile,
Will only TRY
And stay for Awhile.