
Joined: March 26, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 160912

Quotes by Niamh

I ♥ Ariana



    you're here, that's all i need to know
and you will keep me safe
and you will keep me close
and rain; will make the flowers glow


What can you do when your

good isn't good enough?

When all that you touch

tumbles down?

'Cause my best intentions

keep making a mess of things

I just wanna fix it somehow

But how many it times will it


Oh, how many times will it take

for me?

To get it
I've been afraid of changin' , cause I built my life around you.
- Arthurian structure 
- Dress code
- Pass needed for going from one part of the facility to another
- Emphasis on silence and order
- Negative reinforcement (solitary confinement, verbal abuse)
- Walk in lines
- Loss of individual autonomy
- Abridge freedoms
- No input indecision-making
- Set times enforced for walking, eating, etc. 

- Arthurian structure 
- Dress code
- Pass needed for going from one part of the facility to another
- Emphasis on silence and order
- Negative reinforcement (suspension, detention, chastising, low grades)
- Walk in lines
- Loss of individual autonomy
- Abridge freedoms
- No input indecision-making
- Set times enforced for walking, eating, etc. 



Dear Victoria,

With commercials like that,

I'm pretty sure all

your secrets have

been exposed...