
Status: Older and Wiser than I Once Was
Joined: February 20, 2013
Last Seen: 6 years
user id: 350863
Location: Just looking to the clouds for my silver lining <3
Gender: F
It's been a long time, my dear witty friends. 
I can assume that just like me, the years have changed you all.
While I would love to believe that it has all been for the better,
You and I both know that is a fairytale mindset that nobody can afford.
Life has had its ups and downs. 
But I've held on, and I'm beginning to see that there is no reason to let go.
The good feelings, although temporary, always manage to outshine the darkest days.
So for those who are still here, who have remained, to those who have come back as I am now, 
and for those who are new to this all,
Welcome to the journey of life, 
and let's go for a ride.


Quotes by NightOwl18

And the clock just keeps ticking. 
but infinity goes both ways
as time leaves us, 
more will come in its place
the world is an equillibrium
as bad takes its toll
good continues to rise
good will continue to rise
just as you will rise
so long as the clock keep ticking.
To all of those with a broken heart,
The ones who think that they've lost their soulmate,
Give it some time, and then you'll see, 
That whomever it was, wasn't meant to be.
Somewhere out there, is your true king or queen,
And believe you me, they're unlike anyone you've ever seen.
The way they'll treat you will prove to you,
That this small little loss, should mean nothing compared to the new.
So hold on tight, and keep the pieces of your heart close by
because one day they'll put them all back together, without even needing to try
It's too soon to tell him..
But too late to deny it to myself..
I love him.
And you know what?
I'm perfectly okay keeping it to myself for now.
It's moments like this where I realize how ill in the mind I actually am 
When absolutely nothing is going wrong in my life
Where the sun seems to be shining for me
Yet I still feel a cloud over my head
And the rain waiting to drown me
I'm not sure how long it will last this time,
My beautiful sunshine..
But I sure as hell hope it stays for a while,
To dry up some of the storms in my mind.
It's amazing 
what a hoodie that smells like you
a big cozy blanket
and one of our songs 
can do to my heart and soul<3

I Forgive You.
To the one I will never see again,
I will always love you.
Even after everything,
you will always have that part of my heart.
Just not the type of love I believed you would have from me.
And I am very thankful for that, 
because now I have that space for someone who will love me back,
the way I will love him..
The way I do love him..
Thank you for understanding.
To the one I never got to say goodbye to:
I still look back and wish I could apologize.
For letting things go on for as long as they did.
Had we gone our seperate ways when we should have,
We could have already been happier by the time we gave in.
I hope one day you'll find the peace and hope that I have.
Please don't hate yourself for what happened,
Just remember it for the future, 
and don't hurt other girls the way you hurt me.
If you can do that,
what I went through was absolutely worth it.
I never expected to fall,
Nor did I expect him to catch me so willingly..
To hold me close,
and protect me from the rest of the world..
But I have never been more glad to have taken that risk..
Because now,
I'm flying<3
And while he's away..
He takes my heart with him..
So here I sit,
Empty, and missing my best friend..
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