
Status: Come Fly With Me
Joined: August 12, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: May 21
user id: 206872
Location: Chicago, IL
Gender: F
Hello there, Witty Sister. I'm Rebecca, a 14 year old girl from Chicago. I love to crochet, read, write, play my clarinet, blog (follow me on Tumblr at findthesunshineinyourownmind ), talk, and daydream. Some cool facts about me are that I'm a Taurus/Gemii CUSP, I love chocolate and food with a burning passion, I'm in love with a guy I shouldn't love, and you can talk to me about anything that's bugging you. I'm always here.
P.S.: I follow back 100%, legit!
Come fly with me, to mysterious lands and cities beyond our wildest imaginaton where everything is in your favor, and there are no crummy days.

Quotes by OpenSecrets8

I know I should stay away from you,
but you're so hypnotizing♥

nmf/trinity_xoxox fade
Most people hate top be single during the holiday season
I know that in a few more years, I will hopefully be with the guy of my dreams. I want to be happy. Even if we are with the one we love, we often may feel gloomy. But then again, even if we are single, there's a;ways the one guy who we desire most to be with.
But we know that they don't want us. 
I much rather be alone than with someone who doesn't feel the same love that I do for them.
Hapy Holidays 2011.

I always somehow let the opportunities pass by me.

and then I regret it all later.


I see love all around me.

I want some of that love,
But it never seems to reach me.

The people around me are all in love,
Leading me on,
Then forgetting me.
Why can't I have some of that love?




And all I can do is
admire you from afar.

All I can do. . . 

is pray and hope everything will go as



I  hate my friends sometimes.
Like right now.

I thought they would talk to me but the talk to each other instead right in front of me,
They don't think I'm funny enough for them.
They are so clique-ish, having things only they talk about.
I wish I would've gotten the memo,
Because as usual,
I wasn't invited
Since I'm clearly not "cool" enough.
And when you're upset,
they always deny,
And don't care.

*Fave if you have ever felt this way*


I always wonder. . .

How the story of us will end up being.
Will we end up happy?
Will we end up together?
Will we end up trusting each other?
Will we end up marrying?
Will we end up fighting, then making up?
But right now I'm concerened about
If I'm even yours.




I get more likes on Witty from strangers
than friends on



Those moments at school when. . . 
you can't stop laughing


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