
Joined: October 25, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 230956
Hey guys! I do profile makeovers! Here's how it works!
1. If you would like a profile makeover, comment on my profile and follow me.
2. If you have an AIM, you can IM me (ProMakeovers888) and tell me your username and password, and any requests you have (i.e. you want the main colors to be pink, you want this song to play, etc)
3. I will NOT do anything to your Witty besides edit the profile. I will not change your password, delete your quotes, add your quotes, follow anyone, unfollow anyone, change your picture, etc. 
4. If you do not like something that I added to your profile, please don't be afraid to change it! 
5. If I design your profile, you must keep "Designed by ProfileMakeovers888" somewhere on your profile.
Thanks so much!(: If you have anymore questions, please comment on my profile
AIM account is up. ProMakeovers888.


Quotes by ProfileMakeovers888

Please visit my page for more info, it would mean so much
If you're interested in having a profile makeover, comment on this please♥


Format by Sandrasaurus

Please visit my page for more info, it would mean so much
If you're interested in having a profile makeover, comment on this please♥


Format by Sandrasaurus

Please visit my page for more info, it would mean so much♥


Format by Sandrasaurus