
Joined: July 19, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 318697
Hey, I'm Josh :) I'm British, I'm not your typical teenage boy, haha. I think that the worst thing a guy/girl could do is just ignore a person even when she/he knows they mean the world to them. I'm 18 and.. uhh.. Yeah... My favorite colour is purple :D I like fashion and what not.

Other stuff:
Something you should know about me is I am gay. I am accepted for it by most of my friends but I caught an ex-friend of mine provoking me behind my back because of that. The main popular guy in our school pushes me around a bit but it's okay, I'm used to being... Mistreated. If you want to know anything else feel free to comment and I'll try to get back to you :) Bye for now :D

Celeb Crush: Harry Styles omg I love his hair!!!