
Joined: March 28, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 161413

RocketWillBeLoved's Favorite Quotes

This quote does not exist.
I hate whe
you show people a song you love and no one cares,
but then 3 months later everyone is singing it cause it's on the radio. 

This quote does not exist.

dear ninja person reading this,
  your beautiful, amazing, kind, unique, dazzling, outgoing, wonderful, magical, super, cool, awesome. lovely, sweet, one of a kind person & don't you ever forget it. you don't need anyone who doesn't want or need you. if someone doesn't like you then screw em. you'll find someone who loves you. if someone talks about you then it means your 5 steps in front of them. if a person leaves, an even better one will come and take their spot. you only live life once. so make sure you live it exactly the way you want it to be.


Lady Gaga quotes #9
"And now, I'm just trying to change the world, one sequin at a time."
n m f

xxBVBxx96 IS MY BFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOEVER LIKES BLACK VEIL BRIDES FAVORITE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boys with the tattoos, piercings
and hair that covers the eyes.

Yeah, they are my kind of guys <3


You-  STEP ONE-*Raises Hand*
You- STEP TWO- Ask,"Can I go to the bathroom?"
Teacher- Probably will answer "Sure, take a pass"
You- STEP THREE-*Grabs pass & walk outside of room*
You- STEP FOUR- Walk around school until bored xD

Fav If you've done this b4 to get out of a boring class(:

The awkward moment when...
Ur best guy friend is ur best guy friend.
He's in love with you.
He is ur best friend again.
He hates you.
On the last day of school he goes
"Where's my hug?"

*Happened To Me Today*