
Joined: April 27, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 358504
Location: Little Garden
Gender: F

RoyalJokerz's Favorite Quotes

Pick her up
and pretend you're going to throw her in the pool.
She'll scream and fight you,
but secretly, she'll love it.
Hold her hand while you talk.
Hold her hand when you drive.
Just hold her hand.
Tell her she looks pretty.
Look her in the eyes when you talk to her.
Protect her.
Tell her stupid jokes.
Tickle her, even when she says stop.
When she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her.
Let her fall asleep in your arms.
Get her mad, then kiss her.
Tease her and let her tease you back.
Kiss her on the cheek.
Kiss her on the forehead.
Just kiss her.
Let her wear your clothes.
Go slow.
Don't push anything.
When you fall in love with her, tell her.

Mum: You never do anything for me. 

Me: I fake a smile, I hide my problems from you to avoid you getting stressed, I cover up the scars, I don't talk to you so you don't have to pretend to put up with me and I act like I'm mentally stable so you don't have to worry.

Get a glass and smash it on the floor.
- Okay, done.
Is it broken?
- Yes
Now say sorry to it.
- Sorry.
Is it fixed now?
- Of course not!
So sorry wasn't good enough?
- Well no, but-
What about glue? Can you fix it by gluing it back together?
- I can try.
Can you still see the cracks?
- Yes.
Will it hold any water? Can it still fulfull its purpose?
- No, but-
Why not?
- Because it's broken.
Because you have broken it.
- Oh.
And it will be forever broken. You couldn't fix it by saying sorry.
- Oh.
Will it still be broken if you walk away?
- Yes.
So you leaving won't fix it?
- No.
Can anything make it the way it was before?
- No.

Do you understand now?


That terrifying moment when you can't

jump on your bed
fast enough after

turning the
lights off.

Christmas was better when I was young.

So was the rest of my life..



Those little kids running around outside, having so much fun.
I hate watching them, it breaks my heart.

Cause that used to be me. I used to love everything, I didn't have a care in the world. Everyone was perfect in my eyes, and could do no wrong. Now, things are completely different. I just wish those little kids would enjoy it while they can, because

growing up is not as fun as it looks.


Do you know what it feels like?

To be the ugly friend?
To never feel good enough?
To be the girl everyone overlooks?
To hate everything about yourself?
To feel like no one cares?
To be self conscious of every little thing?
To look in the mirror and see nothing but imperfection?
To be a failure?
To constantly feel alone?
To get sick looking at yourself?
To feel like you don't belong here?

Do you know what it feels like to be me?
Kid: Sir, why do we take English?
Teacher: It's required.
Kid: I mean like why is it called English class?
Teacher: We speak English.
Kid: No, we don't. We speak American.
I mean people in England speak English. We speak American. We don't use the words they do, adn they don't use the words we do. Therefore we don't really speak English, we just use some of their words.
Whoa, man. That was deep. I think I just teared up a bit.
Kid: -.-

We decided that he was actually kind of right though..

*In English talking about chivalry*

Most people would say chivalry is dead
Kid: What is chivalry?
Teacher: Like opening a door for a lady, pulling her chair out for her, walking on the side of the sidewalk closest to the street
Kid: Why would you walk on the side closest to the street?
Teacher: In case a car comes, it hits you instead of her
Kid: Why would you do that?! Are you crazy?! Just push her in front of the car and save yourself. Every man for themself!
Teacher: And that's why you don't have a girlfriend
Everyone: *Dies of laughter*


Just imagine waking up tomorrow, and everything being okay. Imagine not feeling disgusted with

yourself. Imagine feeling like you belong. Imagine you wanting to live. Imagine falling in love.

Imagine being happy. Imagine being the person you want to be. Imagine loving everything about

yourself. Just imagine waking up tomorrow and realizing your purpose on Earth.