
Joined: December 30, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 257478

Quotes by ShesNotLikeOtherGirls

Confession #188

people say i dress like a snob and i look fake. excuse me, i just like to look nice.

Confession #187

i was in a fight with someone and they told me i was lazy and all i do is sit on my computer...i am not sure if he meant it as an insult but i sure didnt take it as one.

Confession #186

i dont mean to sound full of myself. but i have the prettiest hair ever.(:

Confession #185

the littlest things amuse me.

Confession #183

my dog is my whole world. i love him more than anyone would every understand.

Confession #182

yeah. i am immature. i dont see the point in acting 'mature' when i am only 16. i have the rest of my life to act adult and be mature.

Confession #181

 i am currently listening to one direction, blogging on tumblr about one direction and online shopping for some one direction merch. Can you say obssessed much? haha i have no life.

Confession #180

 i am ashamed of some of the things i did in middle school..

Confession #179

 i hate the hunger games. forreal. its annoying...

Confession #178

 i have sat in a room full of people and felt completely alone..

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