
Joined: December 31, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 62137
J e n k i n s
Emily Jenkins ;)
A.H.S.H. is all I need in life.

Soccerislife22's Favorite Quotes

fat ugly stupid skinny pretty smart

- - - - - - 
   j    u   s   t          k    n    o    w

the world will tell you who you are

until you tell the world.

- already did this quote but it sucked
so i deleted it & redid it.**

[she jumpeddd.]

                                 according to greek mythology,
               humans were made with 4 arms 4 legs and 2 heads.
                                                                                                 fearing their power, zues split them in 2; 
                          condeming them to search for their othehalf 
the rest of their lives.
                                                                    these are our soulmates < 3

yeahh, she might be with him.
but she doesn't care for him as much as i care for him.
it doesn't bother her if she hurts him.
she doesn't deserve him.
why can't he see, he is supposed to be with


                                                                                                                                   press the <3

Pictures Fade Away
[but memories last forever]
                                                   out of all your lies,
                "i love you"
                                                                   was my  f a v o r i t e .