
Joined: December 30, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 97322

So I'm Julia,
I'm a lot different than a lot of people
I don't where make up or hang out with my friends on a friday night
Really, I have no life
I dance every single day of the week
and read and write all the other free time I have
I fall easily and crumble in the snap of a finger
I'm a huge nerd and I love nerdy guys to death.
I cry a lot (not in front of people)
I'm a talentless dreamer
I have fifty million layers of myself, I can't even tell what kind of person i am.
I only have a few real friends, two i haven't seen in over a year. 
I can't wait to grow up, so i can actually do something with my life.
Sometimes the closest people do me let me down.


Quotes by StolenRain

 Don't you hate those moments #1...

When your walking around the grocery store and looking down every damn isle for you parents and looking like a complete idiot?
I thought you liked her

I thought you didn't care

So I walked away

But then you suddenly decided to miss me and grab my arm and pull me back under your stupid spell

Gee thanks a lot 

I prefer you not to ruffle your hair...
 it really turns me on... :)
 A long time ago, I was on the verge of committing suicide when a guy came to the roof to have lunch.

He saw me climbing over the railing and asked me to share his lunch with him. After receiving my puzzled look, he explained, 

"Everyone should die happy. Or at least with a full stomach." 

We celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary last month.

 i prefer not to live up your expectations. kay thanks, bye.

 So this middle age woman...
Comes to my dance class each week. I don't really talk to her. Yesterday she came up to me after class ended and she said. "You're a beautiful dancer. I can see the artistic talent coming out of you." That day in class I felt completely rejected when my teacher kept ignoring me. She rekindled a light of hope in my heart. She gives me hope to keep going through everything. She had just made my year. 
Thank You Marie Claire <3
its funny how fate works and its funny how some things are so well symbolized and foreshadowed just like the perfect story :)

 I hope you get hit by a flying tomato
Cause you...
took the air I was breathing
Yeah you stole my heart
I don't know what happened 
But we fell a p a r t
You left me with a broken heart

 Broken Heart by Greyson Chance

 Cause you took the air I was breathing,

and you stole my heart

I don't know what happened but we fell apart.

You left me with a b r o k e n heart.


- Broken Heart by Greyson Chance
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