
Status: Hi :)
Joined: January 19, 2012
Last Seen: 6 years
Birthday: August 19
user id: 265305
Gender: F
Hey! My name's Caroline. I'm fifteen, and I live in Michigan.

I love: Jesus, singing, my family and friends, music, being Belle in my old school's production of Beauty and the Beast, performing in general, acting, funny people, good food, dancing (even though I'm not great at it ;D), reading, and being vegetarian, in that order.
Although it varies from day to day.

I dislike: meat and people who go out of their way to make others feel bad.

I'm afraid of: People I know finding my witty, and that I won't like my new school.

My quotes to live by are "Smile, Jesus loves you!" and "I don't sing because I'm happy; I'm happy because I sing."

When I grow up, I want to sing opera and live in New York. And travel the world.