
Joined: May 17, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 175203
 You've got that one thing. Hi, there. Oh, hello. I'm obviously thebrokensmile. Who are you? Comment :3 Hopefully, I'll respond but sometimes I get really lazy. Anyway, I'm in a relationship with five boys. No, I'm not some female player of lady or the night, hee-hee. Their names are Liam, Harry, Louis, Niall and Zayn. My inspirtations. They honestly make me smile so much. And I might get to meet them :c Yay. Anywho. My life revolves around a lot of things but of course, you can tell that one of the main ones are 1d and Witty. I'll be more active soon because finals, school and stress have taken over my life but no need to worry, thebrokesmile will be back with much better quotes. So read my old ones, look out for new ones and keep calm and larry on.
twitter: @itzjess_xo


Comments by TheBrokenSmile

TheBrokenSmile 1 decade ago to Fancyfiction_collabx4
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lololololololololololololololololololololololol p,g
TheBrokenSmile 1 decade ago to MaggiieBear
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You commented on my quote saying you wore make-up & had self respect & honestly, that's great. But I was talking about the girls in my school. MY SCHOOL. It was a personal vent. Not aimed towards you. Based on a serious, personal bullying event that had nothing to do with you. Don't worry about it.
TheBrokenSmile 1 decade ago to KerriAnne21
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You commented on my quote saying you wore make-up & had self respect & honestly, that's great. But I was talking about the girls in my school. MY SCHOOL. It was a personal vent. Not aimed towards you. Based on a serious, personal bullying event that had nothing to do with you. Don't worry about it.
TheBrokenSmile 1 decade ago to xoxpaigexox3
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oh my gosh, aw :/ wait, people from your school? that's horrible ..
but hi ♥
TheBrokenSmile 1 decade ago to JustTheWayIAm
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Haha, she is so blind. It's not even funny :3 Harry is gorgeous.
TheBrokenSmile 1 decade ago to xRaiseYourGlassx
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Oh my gosh, I miss you so freaking much. And what the heck, I wasn't following you D; I am now ;3
TheBrokenSmile 1 decade ago to TheBrokenSmile
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These comments, forever and always♥
TheBrokenSmile 1 decade ago to xoxomaddie17
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you commented me a while ago, but i'm so lazy, i haven't been responding :3 anyways .. you like one direction?(:
TheBrokenSmile 1 decade ago to sillyducky69
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oh my gosh, i miss talking to you :3
i've ignored my comment so much.
let's talk about something randomdlike we usually do, haha.
what are your views on rubber ducks?
TheBrokenSmile 1 decade ago to xoalicecullenxo
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DUDE, text me back :(
TheBrokenSmile 1 decade ago to xoalicecullenxo
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i miss you. i'm going to text you now. because i really miss you. kpce.
TheBrokenSmile 1 decade ago to BandOfColor
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You commented on my quote & I want to say that I posted a quote with numbers for hotlines to help with peoples' issues & I advised many to go see a therapist. But it isn't exactly easy to go up to your parents & tell them you need help, js. And I never asked you personally to favorite the quote, so you don't have to make a big deal of saying you won't favorite it. I write quotes like tha to find people who need help or someone to talk to. It's easier to come out with the support of others. Hope that cleared things up.

and i like your profile song.
TheBrokenSmile 1 decade ago to ilovemycraziess
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it's 11:02 & i should be sleeping but i'm commenting you. i'll add you to my profile tomorrow. promise < 3 and dude, we barely talk anymore & imisssss talking to you, omg. ilove your profile. do you still want the code?! kpceeee, lovee yoouu.
TheBrokenSmile 1 decade ago to marissa1234
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I hope you don't feel weird with me creeping up on your second profile, haha. But I miss you on FB and I can't comment on your main profile... Anyway, I was so used to seeing your statuses and seeing your posts, and I miss it, haha ;D Okay, this is getting weird. But hi! Oh, and your story is still amazing. I was catching up on it because I have so much finals that I didn't have time to read it before, but I was just sitting in my room under the blanket with my iPod, just reading your story. It's like an actual book. Keep it up!
TheBrokenSmile 1 decade ago to torisgorawr
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direntionator?! lmfao. that sounds weird. like some man-eating robot .. i sound weird. last night, i watched like 10 videos of them. they're amazing.
TheBrokenSmile 1 decade ago to sillyducky69
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For a second I thought that grey box up there for was your comment box so I spent like 3O minutes trying to type. Oh, fail, lolol. Every time I comment you, I'm always drinking water .. hm.
TheBrokenSmile 1 decade ago to FunZy0x4
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thanks♥ and basically, i had this stomach condition where my stomach would get like sharp pains and i'd barely be able to walk and the medicine made my sleepy so i ignored it & then a couple of weeks ago, it happened for the first time in a while and i had to go to the ER :/ it sucked. but i'm okay now♥
TheBrokenSmile 1 decade ago to SmileitsJess
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awh, you're just too nice♥
one day when you're close to 1,000 folowers, i'll be the one making the quote.
TheBrokenSmile 1 decade ago to alwaysandforever123
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Really? awh, I'm so glad :D
TheBrokenSmile 1 decade ago to AnnaEcstasy
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