
Joined: January 11, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 345903
Gender: F
Hi everybody :) I found Witty about a year ago, my friend showed it to me. Everyday since then I have logged on and been inspired by you guys and your strength. I love this website so much and I finally decided to make it offical and join! I love writing and music and debate! I hope that I finally found a place where I can just be myself and express myself without anybody judging me. So here goes nothing. Thank you all for being so awesome.

Quotes by TheCellist

Music is more then just sounds in the air

Its more then just vibrations inside your head

Music is Joy and Passion and Love

Music is inspiring and filled with emotions

Music has soul

Music is life
I learned how to live without love
I learned to love without living
I learned that love can come from anywhere
I learned not to judge people by the inside
I learned the importance of friendship
I learned how to listen to others
I learned what it feels like to be invisible
I learned how to fight
I learned to work hard
I learned the truth about life
but I lost everything that I used to know
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