
Joined: September 18, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 125425

Hi there, I'm Anja. I look like this. I'm fourteen. I live in Scottsdale, Arizona. I'm a nice person, but if you mess with me or my friends, shits gon' go doooown (; MAJOR Adele fan, ohhhhellyes. I'm super boring and theres not much to my life. I'm originally from Manhattan. I'm 'Straight Against Hate'. So, YES , I support gays! If you have a problem with that, well ha too bad. So yeaah you should hit me upp ;D I loveloveLOVE Burger King, it's like my second homee. Aha , so yeah that's about it. Peaccee(;

TheEscape's Favorite Quotes

  we all hope.
it's what keeps us alive.
I wish people would see my scars as a sign I survived.

Instead of that I almost didn't.

I want tattoos; lots of them.
I want my skin to tell a story.

This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.