
Joined: February 19, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 275988

Quotes by TheRealMe789

Go through contact list on your cell phone. Pick one person from each letter that you see. Be sure to use the name that they are put in your phone as, not necessarily their actual name. Skip over letter you are missing. You can only pick ONE person from each letter. Answer all the questions below honestly...
A:Andrew M
B:Bestest Friend In The World(Kylie)
C:Chalupa Tan Lime Derpina Pinkberry Strawberry Kiwi Person (toni)
F:Frankie G
G: Gabby
J: John
K: Katie A
L: Lizette
M:  Madeleine M
N: Nora
P: ...
Q: ...
R: Ricky Bobby(veronica)
S: Sabrina
T: Tara
U: ...
V: ...
W: Wamma/Nub/ CApn' Crunch
X: ...
Z: ...
How did you meet C?

How close are you to T?
she's new, but we talk alot but we don't tell each other our secrets

Would you date R?
LOLOLOL, no, cuz im her Kal

How much do you trust S?

What would happen if J turned out to be your father?
then that would be awkward cuz hes only a few months older than me...

Have you ever had a crush on A?

Have you ever secretly had a crush on E,L,T,N, or M?
nah, they r all girls

Do you think that J needs to come out of the closet?
LOLOLOL, no hes 2 straight 2 be gay

Have you ever held hands with S?
only when i was giving her a pep talk cuz she was havin a bad day

Whats your favorite thing to do with B?
ANYTHING!!!!!!!<3s ya kylie!!! <3333333

Whens the last time you saw E?

If you had to marry R,K,Y,S or D who would you pick?
Ricky Bobby, lolol, but im straight

Describe T in one word

 Do you think C is funny?

How long have you been friends with B?
a few month, but dont judge cuz we r exactly the same but dayummmmmmis she tall

What would you do if you found out J was married?
buy him a wedding present

Have you ever been to the mall with S?

You're totally in love with A aren't you?

Do you think M and T would make a good couple?
nahh, tara & madeleine arent lesbos

Do you think K would be a fun person to get drunk with?
mo, our dads r cops, they wont let us get drunk, lol

Are you and L friends?
hell yes


The sad thing is...

 -i  hate  myself

-i  hate  my  body,  face,  life


-i  only  like  my  hair,  eyes,  and  nails,  and  thats  only 

when  i  fix  them  up all nice


-i  cant  trust  anyones  these  days


-no one  f*ckin  cares  about  me(and  dont  even start me

on how much your family cares about you!, i'll tell you

right now that its ALL b*llsh*t to me cause they dont)


-i think all of my friends secretly hate me


-i've been bullied since 1st grade


-i've wanted to kill myself since 1st grade


-one girl has made it her life purpose 2 torture me


-i know people have it worse than me but idc right now


-i can (very hesitantely) trust 2 people










Well, I already have an account on witty, but all of my friends know it, so i need a new place to vent otherwise all my friends from school would see how messed up i really am, well okay, thats it for now, bye.