
Joined: February 1, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 348665
Gender: F

I'm hanging by a

My name need not be important to you.
I am who I am.
You are who you are.

"Our doubts are
traitors, and make us lose
the good we might often win,
fearing to attempt"





Quotes by Thread

  Trying to keep your mind off everything
So  much that with all the little energy you possess at that moment,
you try to pick out something useless, whether it's the way those curtains are positioned, or the tiny bobbles on your shirt. You notice the tiniest details, like the fact that wall has been painted over and a miniscule irregular shape at the bottom hasn't. You wish that you were that tiny irregular shape because tiny irregular shapes don't have to deal with your problems and your insecurities. They just stay there and be irregular little shapes, And the hardest thing is, the world doesn't ever wait.
  Have you ever seen those types of people?
The ones that are nice to everyone. They smile and conversate with everyone.
And you just don't know why, but they don't do that to you. They just ignore you, look through you.
And everyone talks about these people, but you don't, because you know that if you had to say something, it wouldn't be anything nice so you try to stop yourself doing so.It's then you begin to wonder what's wrong with you. You know that you're like any other person but if you really are, why would they single you out, subtly? You start to question everything about yourself, the way you do certain things around people, and you can't stop comparing, comparing, comparing. To everyone around you, people who you want to be like because they seem accepted and happy eventhough you know they could be the opposite inside.
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